UCSD CSE 231 (Sp24)
- Ranjit Jhala (Instructor)
- Nico Lehmann (TA, 🦀)
- Matthew Kolosick (TA)
- Michael Borkowski (TA)
(with many thanks to Joe Politz from whom much of this material is gratefully borrowed!)
Basics - Resources - Schedule - Staff - Grading - Policies
In this course, we'll explore the implementation of compilers: programs that transform source programs into other useful, executable forms. This will include understanding syntax and its structure, checking for and representing errors in programs, writing programs that generate code, and the interaction of generated code with a runtime system.
We will explore these topics interactively in lecure, you will implement an increasingly sophisticated series of compilers throughout the course to learn how different language features are compiled, and you will think through design challenges based on what you learn from implementation.
This web page serves as the main source of announcements and resources for the course, as well as the syllabus.
- Lecture: Center 105 Tu-Th 2:00-3:20pm
- Discussion: CENTER 212 Fr 2:00-2:50pm
- Exams: (In Friday Discussion Section) May 3 (Week 5), May 31 (Week 9)
- Final Exam: (Optional, to make up exam credit) Tue June 11, 3:00-6:00pm (CENTER 105)
- Podcasts: podcast.ucsd.edu
- Q&A Forum: Piazza
- Gradescope: https://www.gradescope.com
Office Hours
- Ranjit (Thu 1pm - 2pm in CSE 3110)
- Michael (Fri 4pm - 5pm in CSE 3217)
- Nico (Thu 10am-11am https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/98350873892, Fri 10am-11am CSE 240A)
- Matt (Wed 10am-12pm https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/2499498988)
Textbook/readings: There's no official textbook, but we will link to different online resources for you to read to supplement lecture. Versions of this course have been taught at several universities, so sometimes I'll link to those instructors' materials as well.
Some useful resources are:
- The Rust Book (also with embedded quizzes)
- An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction
- UMich EECS483
- Northeastern CS4410
The schedule below outlines topics, due dates, and links to assignments. The schedule of lecture topics might change slightly, but I post a general plan so you can know roughly where we are headed.
The typical due dates are that assignments and quizzes are due Friday evenings.
Week 10 - Register Allocation
(Type Inference) due 6/7 github classroom -
- Thursday Handout: (pdf)
Week 9 - GC / Type Inference
Reading and Resources
Week 8 - GC / Type Inference
Week 7 - Garbage Collection
Reading and Resources
Week 6 - Closures
- Handouts:
- Reading and Resources
Week 5 - Tail Calls and the Heap
- Tuesday Handout: (pdf), (annot-pdf)
- Thursday Handout: (pdf)
Reading and Resources
Week 4 - Functions and Calling Conventions
Handouts and recordings:
Reading and Resources:
Week 3 - Tags, Conditionals, and Loops
- Thu Handout: (pdf)
Reading and resources:
- Memory Representation of Values in Ocaml More discussion of a language with tagged value representations (and Ocaml is type-checked!).
- V8 Blog Post Including Number Representations This goes a little further than we are right now, but focus on the fact that V8, one of the widely deployed JS engines, uses tag bits for its numbers.
Week 2 - Binary Operators, Booleans, and Conditionals
- Assignment (due Friday, April 12, 11:59pm)
- Assignment on Github Classroom
- Handouts:
- Reading and resources:
- Max New on Let and the Stack Max New and Ben Lerner have done a nice job writing up notes on let-bindings and the stack. They don't use exactly the same style or make the same decisions as CSE231, but things are close enough to be useful.
Week 1 - Rust and Source to Assembly Conversion
- Assignment (due Friday, April 5, 23:59:59)
- Assignment on Github Classroom
- Reading and resources:
Office hours are concentrated on Wed, Thu, Fri, since most assignments are due Friday evening. Please check the calendar before you come in case there have been any changes. When you come to the office hour, we may ask you to put your name in the queue using the whiteboard. Read the description about collaboration below for some context about office hours. The office hours schedule is below; each event has details about remote/in-person:
Your grade will be calculated from assignments, exams, participation and quizzes.
Assignments are given periodically, typically at one or two week intervals. On each you'll get a score from 0-3 (Incomplete/No Pass, Low Pass, Pass, High Pass).
There are two exams in the course, one in week 5 and one in week 9, given in the Friday discussion sections. Tests also get a score from 0-3. Finals week and the usual final exam block will give an opportunity to make up credit on these if you miss them or get low scores.
For the participation credit, most lectures will come with a 1-2 page handout, and you can submit the handout any time up until the start of the next lecture. Credit is given for reasonable effort in engaging with the notes from the day on the handout.
Quizzes will release each week around Wednesday, and be due Sunday evening. These serve as a review of the past week and a preview of the coming week.
The standards for grade levels are:
- Exam point total 5 or higher (High Pass on one exam and Pass or better on the other) (including final make-up)
- One of:
- High Pass on half the assignments, Pass on others, no missing assignments
- High Pass on 4 of 5 assignments from (
) assignments. - High Pass on 3 of 5 assignments from (
) and High Pass in both midterms.
- Exam point total 4 or higher (one High Pass and one Low Pass, or two Passes) (including final make-up)
- One of:
- Pass or above on all assignments, up to one missing assignment
- High pass on one assignment from (
) and High pass on two assignments from (egg-eater
- Exam point total 3 or higher (including final make-up)
- Pass or above on half the assignments, any score on the others
You get credit for a quiz by getting most of the questions right.
Engagement is used to add +/- modifiers at the end of the quarter, and won't make the difference between A/B/C etc.
Comprehensive Exam: For graduate students using this course for a comprehensive exam requirement, you must get "A" achievement on the exams. Note that you can use the final exam make-up time to do this!
In your professional programming life, some of your work will be highly collaborative with lots of expert advice available from senior developers and from sites like StackOverflow. This is a common case in many Web-focused companies, in academia, and on open-source projects. It’s a great way to get exposed to new techniques, share knowledge, and generally enjoy teamwork. In contrast, some of your work will involve figuring out programming problems on your own, where you are the first person to encounter an issue, or the first person to try using a new library in the context of your application. You should get experience in both types of situations; we might call the former kind of process open to collaboration and the latter closed to collaboration.
In terms of courses, this split also makes sense. Programming assignments serve (at least) two roles. First and foremost, they are a mechanism for you to learn! By directly applying the techniques and skills we discuss in class, you get practice and become a better programmer. Second, they are an assessment mechanism – as instructional staff we use them to evaluate your understanding of concepts as demonstrated by your programs. Open collaboration can reduce frustration while learning and give you chances to enjoy collaboration and lots of help, but may not let us accurately evaluate your understanding. Closed assignments are an opportunity for you to demonstrate what you know by way of programming (and some of the frustration of working through a problem on your own is healthy frustration).
There are two types of assignments in this course:
Open collaboration assignments, for which you can talk to anyone else in the course, post snippets of code online, get lots of help from TAs, and generally come up with solutions collaboratively. TAs will be happy to look at your code and suggest fixes, along with explaining them. There are a few restrictions:
- Any code that you didn't write must be cited in the README file that goes
along with your submission
- Example: On an open collaboration assignment, you and another student chat online about the solution, you figure out a particular helper method together. Your README should say “The FOO function was developed in collaboration with Firstname Lastname”
- Example: On an open collaboration assignment, a student posts the compilation strategy they used to handle a type of expression you were struggling with. Your README should say “I used the code from the forum post at [link]”
- Anyone you work with in-person must be noted in your README
- Example: You and another student sit next to each other in the lab, and point out mistakes and errors to one another as you work through the assignment. As a result, your solutions are substantially similar. Your README should say “I collaborated with Firstname Lastname to develop my solution.”
- You cannot share publicly your entire repository of code or paste an entire solution into a message board. Keep snippets to reasonable, descriptive chunks of code; think a dozen lines or so to get the point across.
- You still cannot use whole solutions that you find online (though copy-paste from Stack Overflow, tutorials etc, if you need help with Rust patterns, etc.) You shouldn't get assistance or code from students outside of this offering of the class. All the code that is handed in should be developed by you or someone in the class.
- If you can get ChatGPT, Copilot, or another LLM to generate code that works for the course, feel free, but you must put comments in your code describing the prompt you used to get it if you do. If you have Copilot on, put a comment if it generates an entire method or match case.
This doesn’t mean the staff will be handing out answers. We’ll mostly respond with leading questions and advice, and you shouldn’t expect a direct answer to questions like “am I done?” or “is my code right?”
There is no guarantee the assistance you get from your classmates is correct. It is your responsibility to use your judgment to avoid using an idea on the course message board that is wrong, or doesn’t work with your solution; we won’t necessarily tell you one way or another while the assignment is out.
If we see that you used code from other students and didn’t cite it in the README, the penalty will range from a point deduction to an academic integrity violation, depending on the severity. Always cite your work!
- Any code that you didn't write must be cited in the README file that goes
along with your submission
Closed collaboration assignments, where you cannot collaborate with others. You can ask clarification questions as private posts or of TAs. However, TAs will not look at your code or comment on it. Lab/office hours these weeks are for conceptual questions or for questions about past assignments only, no code assistance. On these assignments:
- You cannot look at or use anyone else's code for the assignment
- You cannot discuss the assignment with other students
- You cannot post publicly about the assignment on the course message board (or on social media or other forums). Of course, you can still post questions about material from lecture or past assignments!
- All of the examples in the open collaboration section above would be academic integrity violations on a closed collaboration assignment except for using tutorials/LLMs. If you use code from tutorials/Stack Overflow/LLMs, cite them as described above.
You can always use code from class or shared by the instructional team (properly attributed).
Programming assignments will explicitly list whether they are open or closed collaboration.
You should be familiar with the UCSD guidelines on academic integrity as well.
Late Work
You have a total of six late days that you can use throughout the quarter, but no more than four late days per assignment.
- A late day means anything between 1 second and 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds past a deadline
- If you submit past the late day limit, you get 0 points for that assignment
- There is no penalty for submitting late but within the limit
Mistakes occur in grading. Once grades are posted for an assignment, we will allow a short period for you to request a fix (announced along with grade release). If you don't make a request in the given period, the grade you were initially given is final.
There will be two exams during the quarter (held in discussion section) and a final exam. There are no make-up exams for the tests during the quarter. However, the final exam will have sections that correspond to each of the in-class exams, and if your score on that part of the final is higher than your score on that in-class exam, the exam score replaces it. This includes the case where you miss an in-class exam (scoring a 0), but can regain credit from that part of the final exam. This policy is designed to encourage you to treat the in-class exams as learning opportunities so that you can study any mistakes you make and re-apply that knowledge on the final.
In addition, if you score high enough on the exams during the quarter, you can skip the final exam with no penalty and just have the exam grades applied as your exam score.
You are not allowed any study aids on exams, aside from those pertaining to university-approved accommodations. References will be provided along with exams to avoid unnecessary memorization.
You cannot discuss the content of exams with others in the course until grades have been released for that exam.
Some past exams are available at the link below for reference on format (content changes from offering to offering so this may not be representative):
Laptop/Device Policy in Lecture
There are lots of great reasons to have a laptop, tablet, or phone open during class. You might be taking notes, getting a photo of an important moment on the board, trying out a program that we're developing together, and so on. The main issue with screens and technology in the classroom isn't your own distraction (which is your responsibility to manage), it's the distraction of other students. Anyone sitting behind you cannot help but have your screen in their field of view. Having distracting content on your screen can really harm their learning experience.
With this in mind, the device policy for the course is that if you have a screen open, you either:
- Have only content onscreen that's directly related to the current lecture.
- Have unrelated content open and sit in one of the back two rows of the room to mitigate the effects on other students. I may remind you of this policy if I notice you not following it in class. Note that I really don't mind if you want to sit in the back and try to multi-task in various ways while participating in lecture (I may not recommend it, but it's your time!)
Diversity and Inclusion
We are committed to fostering a learning environment for this course that supports a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and experiences, and respects your identities (including race, ethnicity, heritage, gender, sex, class, sexuality, religion, ability, age, educational background, etc.). Our goal is to create a diverse and inclusive learning environment where all students feel comfortable and can thrive.
Our instructional staff will make a concerted effort to be welcoming and inclusive to the wide diversity of students in this course. If there is a way we can make you feel more included please let one of the course staff know, either in person, via email/discussion board, or even in a note under the door. Our learning about diverse perspectives and identities is an ongoing process, and we welcome your perspectives and input.
We also expect that you, as a student in this course, will honor and respect your classmates, abiding by the UCSD Principles of Community (https://ucsd.edu/about/principles.html). Please understand that others’ backgrounds, perspectives and experiences may be different than your own, and help us to build an environment where everyone is respected and feels comfortable.
If you experience any sort of harassment or discrimination, please contact the instructor as soon as possible. If you prefer to speak with someone outside of the course, please contact the Office of Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination: https://ophd.ucsd.edu/.
In this assignment you'll implement a compiler for a small language called
Adder, that supports 32-bit integers and three operations – add1
, sub1
and negate
. There is no starter code for this assignment; you'll do it from
scratch based on the instructions here.
You can start by
- accepting the assignment on github, and then
- opening the assignment CodeSpaces
The necessary tools will be present in the CodeSpace.
You may also want to work on your own computer, in which case you'll need to install rust
and cargo
You may also (depending on your system) need to install nasm
On my mac I used brew install nasm
; on other systems your package manager of choice likely
has a version. On Windows you should use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
The assignments assume that your computer can build and run x86-64-bit binaries. This is true of most (but not all) mass-market Windows and Linux laptops. Newer Macs use a different ARM architecture, but can also run legacy x86-64-bit binaries, so those are fine as well. You should ensure that whatever you do to build your compiler also runs on the github codespace, standard environment for testing your work.
Rust 101
The first few sections of the Rust Book walk you through installing Rust, as well. We'll assume you've gone through the “Programming a Guessing Game” chapter of that book before you go on, so writing and running a Rust program isn't too weird to you.
Implementing a Compiler for Numbers
We're going to start by just compiling numbers, so we can see how all the infrastructure works. We won't give starter code for this so that you see how to build this up from scratch.
By just compiling numbers, we mean that we'll write a compiler for a language where the “program” file just contains a single number, rather than full-fledged programs with function definitions, loops, and so on. (We'll get there!)
Creating a Project
First, make a new project with
$ cargo new adder
This creates a new directory, called adder
, set up to be a Rust project.
The main entry point is in src/main.rs
, which is where we'll develop the
compiler. There's also a file called Cargo.toml
that we'll use in a little
bit, and a few other directories related to building that we won't be too
concerned with in this assignment.
The Runner
We'll start by just focusing on numbers.
It's useful to set up the goal of our compiler, which we'll come back to repeatedly in this course:
“Compiling” an expression means generating assembly instructions that evaluate it and leave the answer in the
Given this, before writing the compiler, it's useful to spend some time thinking about how we'll run these assembly programs we're going to generate. That is, what commands do we run at the command line in order to get from our soon-to-be-generated assembly to a running program?
We're going to use a little Rust program to kick things off. It will look like
this; you can put this into a file called runtime/start.rs
#[link(name = "our_code")]
extern "C" {
// The \x01 here is an undocumented feature of LLVM (which Rust uses) that ensures
// it does not add an underscore in front of the name, which happens on OSX
// Courtesy of Max New
// (https://maxsnew.com/teaching/eecs-483-fa22/hw_adder_assignment.html)
#[link_name = "\x01our_code_starts_here"]
fn our_code_starts_here() -> i64;
fn main() {
let i : i64 = unsafe {
This file says:
- We're expecting there to be a precompiled file called
that we can load and link against (we'll make it in a few steps) - That file should define a global function called
. It takes no arguments and returns a 64-bit integer. - For the
of this Rust program, we will call theour_code_starts_here
function in anunsafe
block. It has to be in anunsafe
block because Rust doesn't and cannot check thatour_code_starts_here
actually takes no arguments and returns an integer; it's trusting us, the programmer, to ensure that, which isunsafe
from its point of view. Theunsafe
block lets us do some kinds of operations that would otherwise be compile errors in Rust. - Then, print the result.
Let's next see how to build a libour_code
file out of some x86-64 assembly
that will work with this file. Here's a simple assembly program that has a
global label for our_code_starts_here
that has a “function body” that
returns the value 31
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
mov rax, 31
Put this into a file called test/31.s
if you like, to test things out (you
should now have a runtime/
and a test/
directory that you created).
We can create a standalone binary program that combines these with these
commands (substitute macho64
for elf64
on OSX and if you're on an M1/M2
machine change the invocation to rustc --target x86_64-apple-darwin ...
You may have to run rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
$ nasm -f elf64 test/31.s -o runtime/our_code.o
$ ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
$ ls runtime
libour_code.a our_code.o start.rs
$ rustc -L runtime/ runtime/start.rs -o test/31.run
$ ./test/31.run
The first command assembles the assembly code to an object file. The basic
work there is generating the machine instructions for each assembly
instruction, and enough information about labels like our_code_starts_here
do later linking. The ar
command takes this object file and puts it in a
standard format for library linking used by #[link
in Rust. Then
combines that .a
file and start.rs
into a single executable binary
that we named 31.run
We haven't written a compiler yet, but we do know how to go from files
containing assembly code to runnable binaries with the help of nasm
. Our next task is going to be writing a program that generates assembly
files like these.
Generating Assembly
Let's revisit our definition of compiling:
“Compiling” an expression means generating assembly instructions that evaluate it and leave the answer in the
Since, for now, our programs are going to be single expressions (in fact just
single numbers), this means that for a program like “5”, we want to generate
assembly instructions that put the constant 5
into rax
Let's write a Rust function that does that, with a simple main
function that
shows it working on a single hardcoded input; this goes in src/main.rs
and is
the start of our compiler:
/// Compile a source program into a string of x86-64 assembly
fn compile(program: String) -> String {
let num = program.trim().parse::<i32>().unwrap();
return format!("mov rax, {}", num);
fn main() {
let program = "37";
let compiled = compile(String::from(program));
println!("{}", compiled);
You can compile and run this with cargo run
$ cargo run
Compiling adder v0.1.0 ...
mov rax, 37
Really all I did here was look up the documentation in Rust about converting a
string to an integer and template the number into a mov
command. The input
is hardcoded, and to use the output like we did above, we'd need to
copy-paste the mov
command into a larger assembly file with
, and so on.
Here's a more sophisticated main
that takes two command-line arguments: a
source file to read and a target file to write the resulting assembly to. It
also puts the generated command into the template we designed for our generated
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let in_name = &args[1];
let out_name = &args[2];
let mut in_file = File::open(in_name)?;
let mut in_contents = String::new();
in_file.read_to_string(&mut in_contents)?;
let result = compile(in_contents);
let asm_program = format!("
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
", result);
let mut out_file = File::create(out_name)?;
Since this now expects files rather than hardcoded input, let's make a test
file in test/37.snek
that just contains 37
as contents. Then we'll read the
“program” (still just a number) from 37.snek
and store the resulting
assembly in 37.s
. (snek
is a silly spelling of snake, which is a theme of
the languages in this course.)
Then we can run our compiler with these command line arguments:
$ cat test/37.snek
$ cargo run -- test/37.snek test/37.s
$ cat test/37.s
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
mov rax, 37
Then we can use the same sequence of commands from before to run the program:
$ nasm -f elf64 test/37.s -o runtime/our_code.o
$ ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
$ rustc -L runtime/ runtime/start.rs -o test/37.run
$ ./test/37.run
We're close to saying we've credibly built a “compiler”, in that we've taken some source program and gone all the way to a generated binary.
The next steps will be to clean up the clumsiness of running 3 post-processing
commands (nasm
, ar
, and rustc
), and then adding some nontrivial
Cleaning up with a Makefile
There are a lot of thing we could do to try and assemble and run the program,
and we'll discuss some later in the course. For now, we'll simply tidy up our
workflow by creating a Makefile that runs through the compile-assemble-link
steps for us. Put these rules into a file called Makefile
in the root of the
repository (use elf64
on Linux):
test/%.s: test/%.snek src/main.rs
cargo run -- $< test/$*.s
test/%.run: test/%.s runtime/start.rs
nasm -f elf64 test/$*.s -o runtime/our_code.o
ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
rustc -L runtime/ runtime/start.rs -o test/$*.run
Note: on MACOS
- Write
instead ofelf64
and - Write
rustc --target x86_64-apple-darwin ...
(if you have an M1/M2 machine)
(Note that make
requires tabs not spaces, but we can only use spaces on the
website, so please replace the four spaces indentation with tab characters when
you copy it.)
And then you can run just make test/<file>.run
to do the build steps:
$ make test/37.run
cargo run -- test/37.snek test/37.s
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
Running `target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/adder test/37.snek test/37.s`
nasm -f macho64 test/37.s -o runtime/our_code.o
ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
rustc -L runtime/ runtime/start.rs -o test/37.run
The cargo run
command will re-run if the .snek
file or the compiler
) change, and the assemble-and-link commands will re-run if the
assembly (.s
file) or the runtime (runtime/start.rs
) change.
The Adder Language
In each of the next several assignments, we'll introduce a language that we'll implement. We'll start small, and build up features incrementally. We're starting with Adder, which has just a few features –numbers and three operations.
There are a few pieces that go into defining a language for us to compile:
- A description of the concrete syntax – the text the programmer writes.
- A description of the abstract syntax – how to express what the programmer wrote in a data structure our compiler uses.
- A description of the behavior of the abstract syntax, so our compiler knows what the code it generates should do.
Concrete Syntax
The concrete syntax of Adder is:
<expr> :=
| <number>
| (add1 <expr>)
| (sub1 <expr>)
| (negate <expr>)
Abstract Syntax
The abstract syntax of Adder is a Rust datatype, and corresponds nearly
one-to-one with the concrete syntax. We'll show just the parts for add1
in this tutorial, and leave it up to you to include negate
to get
enum Expr {
The Box
type is necessary in Rust to create recursive types like these (see
Enabling Recursive Types with Boxes).
If you're familiar with C, it serves roughly the same role as introducing a
pointer type in a struct field to allow recursive fields in structs.
The reason this is necessary is that the Rust compiler calculates a size and
tracks the contents of each field in each variant of the enum
. Since an
could be an Add1
that contains another Add1
that contains another
... and so on, there's no way to calculate the size of an enum variant like
(What error do you get if you try?)
Values of the Box
type always have the size of a single reference (probably
represented as a 64-bit address on the systems we're using). The address will
refer to an Expr
that has already been allocated somewhere. Box
is one of
several smart pointer types whose memory are carefully, and automatically,
memory-managed by Rust.
A ``semantics'' describes the languages' behavior without giving all of the assembly code for each instruction.
An Adder program always evaluates to a single i32.
- Numbers evaluate to themselves (so a program just consisting of
should evaluate to the integer5
). add1
expressions perform addition or subtraction by one on their argument.negate
produces the result of the argument multiplied by-1
There are several examples further down to make this concrete.
Here are some examples of Adder programs:
Example 1
Concrete Syntax
(add1 (sub1 5))
Abstract Syntax
Example 2
Concrete Syntax
Abstract Syntax
Example 3
Concrete Syntax
(negate (add1 3))
Abstract Syntax
Implement an Interpreter for Adder
As a warm up exercise, implement an interpreter for Adder
which is to say,
a plain rust
function that evaluates the Expr
datatype we defined above.
fn eval(e: &Expr) -> i32 {
match e {
Expr::Num(n) => ...,
Expr::Add1(e1) => ...,
Expr::Sub1(e1) => ...,
Write a few tests to convince yourself that your interpreter is working as expected.
In the file src/main.rs
, you can add a #[cfg(test)]
section to write tests
mod tests {
fn test1() {
let expr1 = Expr::Num(10);
let result = eval(expr1);
assert_eq!(result, 10);
And then you can run the test either in vscode
or by running cargo test
in the terminal.
Implementing a Compiler for Adder
The overall syntax for the Adder
language admits many more features than just
numbers. With the definition of Adder
above, we can have programs like (add1 (sub1 6))
, for example. There can be any numbers of layers of nesting of the
parentheses, which means we need to think about parsing a little bit more.
We're going to design our syntax carefully to avoid thinking too much about parsing, though. The parenthesized style of Adder is a subset of what's called s-expressions. The Scheme and Lisp family of languages are some of the more famous examples of languages built in s-expressions, but recent ones like WebAssembly also use this syntax, and it's a common choice for language development to simplify decision around syntax, which can become quite tricky and won't be our focus in this course.
A grammar for s-expressions looks something like:
s-exp := number
| symbol
| string
| ( <s-exp>* )
That is, an s-expression is either a number, symbol (think of symbol like an identifier name), string, or a parenthesized sequence of s-expressions. Here are some s-expressions:
(1 2 3)
(a (b c d) e "f" "g")
(hash-table ("a" 100) ("b" 1000) ("c" 37"))
(define (factorial n)
(if (== n 1)
(factorial (* n (- n 1)))))
(class Point
(int x)
(int y))
(add1 (sub1 37))
One attractive feature of s-expressions is that most programming languages have
libraries for parsing them. There are several crates available for parsing
s-expressions in Rust. You're free to pick another one if you like it, but I'm
going to use sexp because its type definitions
work pretty well with pattern-matching and I find that helpful.
(lexpr also looks interesting, but the
type is really clumsy with pattern matching so it's not great for this
Parsing with S-Expressions
We can add this package to our project by adding it to Cargo.toml
, which was
created when you used cargo new
. Make it so your Cargo.toml
looks like this:
name = "adder"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
sexp = "1.1.4"
Then you can run cargo build
and you should see stuff related to the sexp
crate be downloaded.
We can then use it in our program like this:
use sexp::*;
use sexp::Atom::*;
Then, a function call like this can turn a string into a Sexp
let sexp = parse("(add1 (sub1 (add1 73)))").unwrap()
(As a reminder, the .unwrap()
is our way of telling Rust that we are trusting
this parsing to succeed, and we'll panic!
and stop the program if the parse
doesn't succeed. We will talk about giving better error messages in these cases
Our goal, though, is to use a datatype that we design for our expressions, which we introduced as:
enum Expr {
So we should next write a function that takes Sexp
s and turns them into
s (or gives an error if we give an s-expression that doesn't match the
grammar of Adder). Here's a function that will do the trick:
fn parse_expr(s: &Sexp) -> Expr {
match s {
Sexp::Atom(I(n)) => Expr::Num(i32::try_from(*n).unwrap()),
Sexp::List(vec) => {
match &vec[..] {
[Sexp::Atom(S(op)), e] if op == "add1" => Expr::Add1(Box::new(parse_expr(e))),
[Sexp::Atom(S(op)), e] if op == "sub1" => Expr::Sub1(Box::new(parse_expr(e))),
_ => panic!("parse error"),
_ => panic!("parse error"),
(A Rust note – the parse_expr
function takes a reference to Sexp
(the type
) which means parse_expr
will have read-only, borrowed access to some
that was allocated and stored somewhere else.)
This uses Rust pattern matching to match the specific cases we care about
for Adder – plain numbers and lists of s-expressions. In the case of lists, we
match on two the two specific cases that look like add1
or sub1
followed by
some other s-expression. In those cases, we recursively parse, and use
to match the signature we set up in enum Expr
Code Generation
So we've got a way to go from more structure text—s-expressions—stored in
files and produce our Expr
structure. Now we just need to go from the Expr
ASTs to generated assembly. Here's one way to do that:
fn compile_expr(e: &Expr) -> String {
match e {
Expr::Num(n) => format!("mov rax, {}", *n),
Expr::Add1(subexpr) => compile_expr(subexpr) + "\nadd rax, 1",
Expr::Sub1(subexpr) => compile_expr(subexpr) + "\nsub rax, 1",
And putting it all together in main
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let in_name = &args[1];
let out_name = &args[2];
let mut in_file = File::open(in_name)?;
let mut in_contents = String::new();
in_file.read_to_string(&mut in_contents)?;
let expr = parse_expr(&parse(&in_contents).unwrap());
let result = compile_expr(&expr);
let asm_program = format!("
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
", result);
let mut out_file = File::create(out_name)?;
Testing our compiler
Then we can write tests like this add.snek
$ cat test/add.snek
(sub1 (sub1 (add1 73)))
And run our whole compiler end-to-end:
$ make test/add.run
cargo run -- test/add.snek test/add.s
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
Running `target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/adder test/add.snek test/add.s`
nasm -f macho64 test/add.s -o runtime/our_code.o
ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
rustc -L runtime/ runtime/start.rs -o test/add.run
$ cat test/add.s
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
mov rax, 73
add rax, 1
sub rax, 1
sub rax, 1
$ ./test/add.run
Note: make test/add.run
may delete test/add.s
as an intermediate file.
If so, run make test/add.s
before running cat test/add.s
This is, of course, a very simple language. This tutorial serves mainly to make us use all the pieces of infrastructure that we'll build on throughout the quarter:
- An assembler (
) and a Rust main program (runtime/start.rs
) to build binaries - A definition of abstract syntax (
enum Expr
) - A parser for text (
from thesexp
crate) and a parser for our abstract syntax (parse_expr
) - A code generator (
) that generates assembly fromExpr
Most of our future assignments will be built from just these pieces, plus extra infrastructure added as we need it.
Your TODOs
- Do the whole tutorial above, creating the project repository as you go. Write several tests to convince yourself that things are working as expected.
- Then, add support for
as described in the beginning, and write several tests fornegate
as well. - In your terminal, demonstrate your compiler working on at least 5 different
examples by using
on a sourcesnek
file, then showingmake
running, usingcat
on the resulting.s
file, and then running the resulting binary. Copy this interactino into a file calledtranscript.txt
Hand in your entire repository to the 01-adder
assignment on github
That is you only need to commit and push your cloned assignment
There is no automated grading for this assignment; we want you to practice gaining your own confidence that your solution works (and demonstrating that to us).
Week 2: Boa, Due Tuesday, April 12 (Open Collaboration)
In this assignment you'll implement a compiler for a small language called Boa, that has let bindings and binary operators. The key difference between this language and what we implemented in class is that there can be multiple variables defined within a single let. There are a number of other details where we fill in exact behavior.
Get the assignment at https://classroom.github.com/a/P5qpkKKh. This will make a private-to-you copy of the repository hosted within the course's organization.
The Boa Language
In each of the next several assignments, we'll introduce a language that we'll implement. We'll start small, and build up features incrementally. We're starting with Boa, which has just a few features – defining variables, and primitive operations on numbers.
There are a few pieces that go into defining a language for us to compile:
- A description of the concrete syntax – the text the programmer writes.
- A description of the abstract syntax – how to express what the programmer wrote in a data structure our compiler uses.
- A description of the behavior of the abstract syntax, so our compiler knows what the code it generates should do.
Concrete Syntax
The concrete syntax of Boa is:
<expr> :=
| <number>
| <identifier>
| (let (<binding> +) <expr>)
| (add1 <expr>)
| (sub1 <expr>)
| (+ <expr> <expr>)
| (- <expr> <expr>)
| (* <expr> <expr>)
<binding> := (<identifier> <expr>)
Here, a let
expression can have one or more bindings (that's what the
<binding> +
notation means). <number>
s are in base 10 and must be
representable as an i32
. <identifier>
s are names and should be limited to
alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores, and should start with a
letter. (The sexp
library handles more than this, but this keeps things
nicely readable.)
Abstract Syntax
The abstract syntax of Boa is a Rust enum
. Note that this
representation is different from what we used in
enum Op1 {
enum Op2 {
enum Expr {
Let(Vec<(String, Expr)>, Box<Expr>),
UnOp(Op1, Box<Expr>),
BinOp(Op2, Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>)
A "semantics" describes the languages' behavior without giving all of the assembly code for each instruction.
A Boa program always evaluates to a single integer.
- Numbers evaluate to
themselves (so a program just consisting of
should evaluate to the integer5
). - Unary operator expressions perform addition or subtraction by one on
their argument. If the result wouldn't fit in an
, the program can have any behavior (e.g. overflow withadd1
or underflow withsub1
). - Binary operator expressions evaluate their arguments and combine them
based on the operator. If the result wouldn't fit in an
, the program can have any behavior (e.g. overflow or underflow with+
). - Let bindings should use lexical scoping: evaluate all the binding expressions to values one by one, and after each, store a mapping from the given name to the corresponding value in both (a) the rest of the bindings, and (b) the body of the let expression. Identifiers evaluate to whatever their current stored value is.
There are several examples further down to make this concrete.
The compiler should stop and report an error if:
- There is a binding list containing two or more bindings with the same name. The error should contain the string
"Duplicate binding"
- An identifier is unbound (there is no surrounding let binding for it) The error should contain the string
"Unbound variable identifier {identifier}"
(where the actual name of the variable is substituted for{identifier}
If there are multiple errors, the compiler can report any non-empty subset of them.
Here are some examples of Boa programs. In the "Abstract Syntax" parts, we
assume that the program has appropriate use
statements to avoid the Expr::
and other prefixes in order to write the examples compactly.
Example 1
Concrete Syntax
Abstract Syntax
Example 2
Concrete Syntax
(sub1 (add1 (sub1 5)))
Abstract Syntax
UnOp(Sub1, Box::new(UnOp(Add1, Box::new(UnOp(Sub1, Box::new(Number(5)))))))
Example 3
Concrete Syntax
(let ((x 5)) (add1 x))
Abstract Syntax
Let(vec![("x".to_string(), Number(5))],
Box::new(UnOp(Add1, Box::new(Id("x".to_string())))))
More examples
(sub1 5)
# as an expr
UnOp(Sub1, Box::new(Number(5)))
# evaluates to
(let ((x 10) (y 7)) (* (- x y) 2))
# as an expr
Let(vec![("x".to_string(), Number(10)), ("y".to_string(), Number(7))],
Box::new(BinOp(Times, Box::new(BinOp(Minus, Box::new(Id("x".to_string())),
Box::new(Id("y".to_string())))), Box::new(Number(2)))));
# evaluates to
Implementing a Compiler for Boa
You've been given a starter codebase that has several pieces of infrastructure:
- A main program (
) that uses the parser and compiler to produce assembly code from an input Boa text file. You don't need to edit this much except to change howresult
is filled in. - A
and a runner (runtime/start.rs
) that are basically the same as the ones from Week 1 - Extra infrastructure for running unit tests in
(you don't need to edittests/infra
, but you may enjoy reading it). - A test file,
, which describes the expected output and expected errors for.snek
files in thetests/
directory. You will add your own tests by filling in new entries insuccess_tests!
; we've provided a few examples. Each entry corresponds to a single.snek
file. You will add a lot more – focus on making these interesting and thorough!
Writing the Parser
The parser will be given a S-expression representing the whole program, and
must build a AST of the Expr
data type from this S-expression.
An S-expression in Rust is of the following type:
pub enum Sexp {
pub enum Atom {
Thus, an example S-expression that could be parsed into a program would be as follows
List(vec![Atom("let"), List(vec![List(vec![Atom("x"), Atom("5")])]), Atom("x")])
which corresponds to
(let ((x 5)) x)
in Boa or
let x = 5;
in Rust.
This should then parse to the AST
Let(vec![("x".to_string(), Number(5))], Id("x".to_string()))
which can then be compiled.
Since most S-expressions are lists, you will need to check the first element of
the list to see if the operation to perform is a let
, add1
, *
, and so on.
If an S-expression is of an invalid form, (i.e. a let
with no body, a +
with three arguments, etc.) panic with a message containing the string
You can assume that an id is a valid string of form [a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
You will, however, have to check that the string does not match any of
the language's reserved words, such as let
, add1
, and sub1
The parsing should be implemented in
fn parse_expr(s: &Sexp) -> Expr {
You can also implement a helper function parse_bind
fn parse_bind(s: &Sexp) -> (String, Expr) {
which may be helpful for handling let
Writing the Compiler
The primary task of writing the Boa compiler is simple to state: take an
instance of the Expr
type and turn it into a list of assembly
instructions. Start by defining a function that compiles an expression into a
list of instructions:
fn compile_to_instrs(e: &Expr) -> Vec<Instr> {
which takes an Expr
value (abstract syntax) and turns it into a list of
assembly instructions, represented by the Instr
type. Use only the
provided instruction types for this assignment; we will be gradually expanding
this as the quarter progresses.
Note: For variable bindings, we used im::HashMap<String, i32>
from the
We use the immutable HashMap here to make nested scopes easier because we
found it annoying to remember to pop variables when you leave a scope.
You're welcome to use any reasonable strategy here.
The other functions you need to implement are:
fn instr_to_str(i: &Instr) -> String {
fn val_to_str(v: &Val) -> String {
They render individual instances of the Instr
type and Val
type into a string
representation of the instruction. This second step is straightforward, but
forces you to understand the syntax of the assembly code you are generating.
Most of the compiler concepts happen in the first step, that of generating
assembly instructions from abstract syntax. Feel free to ask or refer to
on-line resources if you want more information about a particular assembly
After that, put everything together with a compile
function that compiles an
expression into assembly represented by a string.
fn compile(e: &Expr) -> String {
Assembly instructions
The Instr
type is defined in the starter code. The assembly instructions that
you will have to become familiar with for this assignment are:
IMov(Val, Val)
— Copies the right operand (source) into the left operand (destination). The source can be an immediate argument, a register or a memory location, whereas the destination can be a register or a memory location.Examples:
mov rax, rbx mov [rax], 4
IAdd(Val, Val)
— Add the two operands, storing the result in its first operand.Example:
add rax, 10
ISub(Val, Val)
— Store in the value of its first operand the result of subtracting the value of its second operand from the value of its first operand.Example:
sub rax, 216
IMul(Val, Val)
— Multiply the left argument by the right argument, and store in the left argument (typically the left argument israx
for us)Example:
imul rax, 4
Put your test .snek
files in the test/
directory. Run make test/<file>.s
to compile your snek file into assembly.
$ make test/add1.s
cargo run -- test/add1.snek test/add1.s
$ cat test/add1.s
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
mov rax, 131
To actually evaluate your assembly code, we need to link it with runtime.rs
create an executable. This is covered in the Makefile
$ make test/add1.run
nasm -f elf64 test/add1.s -o runtime/our_code.o
ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
rustc -L runtime/ runtime/start.rs -o test/add1.run
Finally you can run the file by executing to see the evaluated output:
$ ./test/add1.run
Ignoring or Changing the Starter Code
You can change a lot of what we describe above; it's a (relatively strong) suggestion, not a requirement. You might have different ideas for how to organize your code or represent things. That's a good thing! What we've shown in class and this writeup is far from the only way to implement a compiler.
To ease the burden of grading, we ask that you keep the following in mind: we
will grade your submission (in part) by copying our own tests/
directory in
place of the one you submit and running cargo test -- --test-threads 1
. This relies on the
interface provided by the Makefile
of producing .s
files and .run
It doesn't rely on any of the data definitions or function signatures in
. So with that constraint in mind, feel free to make new
architectural decisions yourself.
Strategies, and FAQ
Working Incrementally
If you are struggling to get started, here are a few ideas:
- Try to tackle features one at a time. For example, you might completely ignore let expressions at first, and just work on addition and numbers to start. Then you can work into subtraction, multiplication, and so on.
- Some features can be broken down further. For example, the let expressions in this assignment differ from the ones in class by having multiple variables allowed per let expression. However, you can first implement let for just a single variable (which will look quite a bit like what we did in class!) and then extend it for multiple bindings.
- Use git! Whenver you're in a working state with some working tests, make a commit and leave a message for yourself. That way you can get back to a good working state later if you end up stuck.
What should (let ((x 5) (z x)) z)
From the PA writeup: “Let bindings should evaluate all the binding expressions to values one by one, and after each, store a mapping from the given name to the corresponding value in both (a) the rest of the bindings, and (b) the body of the let expression. Identifiers evaluate to whatever their current stored value is.”
Do Boa programs always have the extra parentheses around the bindings?
In Boa, there's always the extra set of parens around the list.
Can we write additional helper functions?
Do we care about the text return from panic?
Absolutely. Any time you write software you should strive to write thoughtful error messages. They will help you while debugging, you when you make a mistake coming back to your code later, and anyone else who uses your code.
As for the autograder, we expect you to catch parsing and compilation errors. For parsing errors you should panic!
an error message containing the word Invalid
. For compilation errors, you should catch duplicate binding and unbound variable identifier errors and panic!
Duplicate binding
and Unbound variable identifier {identifier}
respectively. We've also added these instructions to the PA writeup.
How should we check that identifiers are valid according to the description in the writeup?
From the PA writeup: “You can assume that an id is a valid string of form [a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
. You will, however, ...”
Assume means that we're not expecting you to check this for the purposes of the assignment (though you're welcome to if you like).
What should the program ()
compile to?
Is ()
a Boa program (does it match the grammar)? What should the compiler do with a program that doesn't match the grammar?
What's the best way to test? What is test case
A few suggestions:
- First, make sure to test all the different expressions as a baseline
- Then, look at the grammar. There are lots of places where
appears. In each of those positions, any other expression could appear. Solet
can appear inside+
and vice versa, and in the binding position of let, and so on. Make sure you've tested enough nested expressions to be confident that each expression works no matter the context - Names of variables are interesting – the names can appear in different places and have different meanings depending on the structure of let. Make sure that you've tried different combinations of
naming and uses of variables.
My tests non-deterministically fail sometimes
You are probably running cargo test
instead of cargo test -- --test-threads 1
. The testing infrastructure interacts with the file system in a way that can cause data races when
tests run in parallel. Limiting the number of threads to 1 will probably fix the issue.
A lot of the credit you get will be based on us running autograded tests on your submission. You'll be able to see the result of some of these on while the assignment is out, but we may have more that we don't show results for until after assignments are all submitted.
We'll combine that with some amount of manual grading involving looking at your
testing and implementation strategy. You should have your own thorough test
suite (it's not unreasonable to write many dozens of tests; you probably don't
need hundreds), and you need to have recognizably implemented a compiler. For
example, you could try to calculate the answer for these programs and
generate a single mov
instruction: don't do that, it doesn't demonstrate the
learning outcomes we care about.
Any credit you lose will come with instructions for fixing similar mistakes on future assignments.
Extension: Assembling Directly from Rust
Boa is set up as a traditional ahead-of-time compiler that generates an assembly file and (with some help from system linkers) eventually a binary.
Many language systems work this way (it's what rustc
, gcc
, and clang
for instance), but many modern systems also generate machine code directly from
the process that runs the compiler, and the compiler's execution can be
interleaved with users' program execution. This isn't a new
Smalltalk and LISP are early examples of languages built atop runtime code
generation. JavaScript engines in web browsers are likely the most ubiquitous
use case.
Rust, with detailed control over memory and a broad package system, provides a pretty good environment for doing this kind of runtime code generation. In these assignment extensions, we'll explore how to build on our compiler to create a system in this style, and showcase some unique features it enables.
These extensions are not required, nor are they graded. However, we'd be delighted to hear about what you're trying for them in office hours, see what you've done, and give feedback on them. The staff have done a little bit of work to proof-of-concept some of this, but you'll be largely on your own and things aren't guaranteed to be obviously possible.
The primary tool we think is particularly useful here is
(You might also find assembler useful,
but it hasn't been updated in a while and dynasm
was what we found easiest
to use). The basic idea is that dynasm
provides Rust macros that build up a
vector of bytes representing machine instructions. References to these vectors
can be cast using
mem::transmute Rust functions,
which can be called from our code.
As a first step towards building a dynamic system, you should try building a
REPL, or read-eval-print loop, re-using as much as possible from the Boa
compiler. That is, you should be able to support interactions like the below,
where one new syntactic form, define
, has been added.
$ cargo run -- -i # rather than input/output files, specify -i for interactive
> (let ((x 5)) (+ x 10))
> (define x 47)
> x
> (+ x 4)
A sample of how to get started with this is at adder-dyn. We won't give any hints or support beyond this except:
- The REPL is probably best implemented as a
loop inmain
- You'll need to figure out how to store the
d variables on the heap somewhere and refer to them from the generated code
Happy hacking!
Week 3: Cobra, Due Friday, April 26 (Open Collaboration)
In this assignment you'll implement a compiler for a small language called Cobra, which extends Boa with booleans, conditionals, variable assignment, and loops.
Get the assignment at https://classroom.github.com/a/tnyP6D51 This will make a private-to-you copy of the repository hosted within the course's organization.
The Cobra Language
Concrete Syntax
The concrete syntax of Cobra is:
<expr> :=
| <number>
| true
| false
| input
| <identifier>
| (let (<binding>+) <expr>)
| (<op1> <expr>)
| (<op2> <expr> <expr>)
| (set! <name> <expr>)
| (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
| (block <expr>+)
| (loop <expr>)
| (break <expr>)
<op1> := add1 | sub1 | isnum | isbool
<op2> := + | - | * | < | > | >= | <= | =
<binding> := (<identifier> <expr>)
and false
are literals. Names used in let
cannot have the name of
other keywords or operators (like true
or false
or let
or block
Numbers should be representable as a signed 63-bit number (e.g. from
-4611686018427387904 to 4611686018427387903).
Abstract Syntax
You can choose the abstract syntax you use for Cobra. We recommend something like this:
enum Op1 { Add1, Sub1, IsNum, IsBool, }
enum Op2 { Plus, Minus, Times, Equal, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual, }
enum Expr {
Let(Vec<(String, Expr)>, Box<Expr>),
UnOp(Op1, Box<Expr>),
BinOp(Op2, Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
If(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
Set(String, Box<Expr>),
A "semantics" describes the languages' behavior without giving all of the assembly code for each instruction.
A Cobra program always evaluates to a single integer, a single boolean, or ends
with an error. When ending with an error, it should print a message to
standard error (eprintln!
in Rust works well for this) and a non-zero exit
code (std::process::exit(N)
for nonzero N
in Rust works well for this).
expressions evaluate to the first command-line argument given to the program. The command-line argument can be any Cobra value: a valid number ortrue
. If no command-line argument is provided, the value ofinput
. When running the program the argument should be provided astrue
, or a base-10 number value.- All Boa programs evaluate in the same way as before, with one
exception: if numeric operations would overflow a 63-bit integer, the program
should end in error, reporting
as a part of the error. - If the operators other than
are used on booleans, an error should be raised from the running program, and the error should contain "invalid argument". Note that this is not a compilation error, nor can it be in all cases due toinput
's type being unknown until the program starts. - The relative comparison operators like
evaluate their arguments and then evaluate totrue
based on the comparison result. - The equality operator
evaluates its arguments and compares them for equality. It should raise an error if they are not both numbers or not both booleans, and the error should contain "invalid argument" if the types differ. - Boolean expressions (
) evaluate to themselves if
expressions evaluate their first expression (the condition) first. If it'sfalse
, they evaluate to the third expression (the “else” block), and to the second expression if any other value (including numbers).block
expressions evaluate the subexpressions in order, and evaluate to the result of the last expression. Blocks are mainly useful for writing sequences that includeset!
, especially in the body of a loop.set!
expressions evaluate the expression to a value, and change the value stored in the given variable to that value (e.g. variable assignment). Theset!
expression itself evaluates to the new value. If there is no surrounding let binding for the variable the identifier is considered unbound and an error should be reported.loop
expressions work together. Loops evaluate their subexpression in an infinite loop untilbreak
is used. Break expressions evaluate their subexpression and the resulting value becomes the result of the entire loop. Typically the body of a loop is written withblock
to get a sequence of expressions in the loop body.isnum
are primitive operations that test their argument's type;isnum(v)
evaluates totrue
is a number andfalse
otherwise, andisbool(v)
evaluates totrue
is a boolean andfalse
There are several examples further down to make this concrete.
The compiler should stop and report an error if:
- There is a binding list containing two or more bindings with the same name.
The error should contain the string
"Duplicate binding"
- An identifier is unbound (there is no surrounding let binding for it) The
error should contain the string
"Unbound variable identifier {identifier}"
(where the actual name of the variable is substituted for{identifier}
) - A
appears outside of any surroundingloop
. The error should contain "break" - An invalid identifier is used (it matches one of the keywords). The error should contain "keyword"
If there are multiple errors, the compiler can report any non-empty subset of them.
Here are some examples of Cobra programs.
Example 1
Concrete Syntax
(let ((x 5))
(block (set! x (+ x 1))))
Abstract Syntax Based on Our Design
Let(vec![("x".to_string(), Number(5))],
Box::new(BinOp(Plus, Id("x".to_string()),
Example 2
(let ((a 2) (b 3) (c 0) (i 0) (j 0))
(if (< i a)
(set! j 0)
(if (< j b)
(block (set! c (sub1 c)) (set! j (add1 j)))
(break c)
(set! i (add1 i))
(break c)
Example 3
This program calculates the factorial of the input.
((i 1) (acc 1))
(if (> i input)
(break acc)
(set! acc (* acc i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
Implementing a Compiler for Cobra
The starter code makes a few infrastructural suggestions. You can change these as you feel is appropriate in order to meet the specification.
Reporting Dynamic Errors
We've provided some infrastructure for reporting errors via the
function in start.rs
. This is a function that can be called from the
generated program to report an error. for now we have it take an error code as
an argument; you might find the error code useful for deciding which error
message to print. This is also listed as an extern
in the generated
assembly startup
Calculating Input
We've provided a
stub for you to fill in to turn the command-line argument to start.rs
into a
value suitable for passing to our_code_starts_here
. As a reminder/reference,
the first argument in the x86_64 calling convention is stored in rdi
. This
means that, for example, moving rdi
into rax
is a good way to get “the
answer” for the expression input
In class we chose representations with 0
as a tag bit for numbers and 1
booleans with the values 3
for true
and 1
for false
. You do not
have to use those, though it's a great starting point and we recommend it. Your
only obligation is to match the behavior described in the specification, and if
you prefer a different way to distinguish types, you can use it. (Keep in mind,
though, that you still must generate assembly programs that have the specified
Running and Testing
The test format changed slightly to require a test name along with a test
file name. This is to support using the same test file with different
command line arguments. You can see several of these in the sample
Note that providing input
is optional. These also illustrate how to check for
If you want to try out a single file from the command line (and perhaps from a
debugger like gdb
or lldb
), you can still run them directly from the
command line with:
$ make tests/some-file.run
$ ./tests/some-file.run 1234
where the 1234
could be any valid command-line argument.
As a note on running all the tests, the best option is to use make test
which ensures that cargo build
is run first and independently before cargo test
As with the previous assignment, a lot of the credit you get will be based on us running autograded tests on your submission. You'll be able to see the result of some of these on while the assignment is out, but we may have more that we don't show results for until after assignments are all submitted.
We'll combine that with some amount of manual grading involving looking at your
testing and implementation strategy. You should have your own thorough test
suite (it's not unreasonable to write many dozens of tests; you probably don't
need hundreds), and you need to have recognizably implemented a compiler. For
example, you could try to calculate the answer for these programs and
generate a single mov
instruction: don't do that, it doesn't demonstrate the
learning outcomes we care about.
Any credit you lose will come with instructions for fixing similar mistakes on future assignments.
Some of my tests fail with a No such file or directory
The initial version of the starter code contained an error in the testing infrastructure. If you cloned before we fixed it, you'll have to update the code. You can update the code by running:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/ucsd-cse231/03-cobra
git pull upstream main --allow-unrelated-histories
This will merge all commits from the template into your repository. Alternatively, you can also
clone https://github.com/ucsd-cse231/03-cobra and manually replace your tests/
Extension: Using Dynamic Information to Optimize
A compiler for Cobra needs to generate extra instructions to check for booleans
being used in binary operators. We could use a static type-checker to avoid
these, but at the same time, the language is fundamentally dynamic because the
compiler cannot know the type of input
until the program starts running
(which happens after it is compiled). This is the general problem that systems
for languages like JavaScript and Python face; it will get worse when we
introduce functions in the next assignment.
However, if our compiler can make use of some dynamic information, we can do better.
There are two instructive optimizations we can make with dynamic information, one for standalone programs and one at the REPL.
Add a new command-line option, -e
, for “eval”, that evaluates a program
directly after compiling it with knowledge of the command-line argument. The
usage should be:
cargo run -- -e file.snek <arg>
That is, you provide both the file and the command-line argument. When called
this way, the compiler should skip any instructions used for checking for
errors related to input
. For example, for this program, if a number is given
as the argument, we could omit all of the tag checking related to the input
argument (and since 1
is a literal, we could recover essentially the same
compilation as for Boa).
(+ 1 input)
For this program, if input
is a boolean, we should preserve that the program
throws an error as usual.
Known Variables at the REPL
Similarly, after a define
statement evaluates at the REPL, we can know that
variable's tag and use that information to compile future entries. For example,
in this REPL sequence, we define a numeric variable and use it in an operator
later. We could avoid tag checks for x
in the later use:
> (define x (+ 3 4))
> (+ x 10)
Note a pitfall here – if you allow set!
on define
d variables, their types
could change mid-expression, so there are some restrictions on when this should
be applied. Make sure to test this case.
Happy hacking!
It's worth re-emphasizing that a static type-checker could recover a lot of
this performance, and for Cobra it's pretty straightforward to implement a
type-checker (especially for expressions that don't involve input
However, we'll soon introduce functions, which add a whole new layer of potential dynamism and unknown types (because of function arguments), so the same principles behind these simple cases become much more pronounced. And a language with functions and a static type system is quite different from a language with functions and no static type system.
Week 5: Diamondback, Due Friday, May 3 (Closed Collaboration)
In this assignment you'll implement a compiler for a language called Diamondback, which has top-level function definitions.
This assignment is closed to collaboration.
Get the assignment at https://classroom.github.com/a/20qeISvT This will make a private-to-you copy of the repository hosted within the course's organization.
The Diamondback Language
Concrete Syntax
The concrete syntax of Diamondback has a significant change from past
languages. It distinguishes top-level declarations from expressions. The new
parts are function definitions, function calls, and the print
unary operator.
<prog> := <defn>* <expr> (new!)
<defn> := (fun (<name> <name>*) <expr>) (new!)
<expr> :=
| <number>
| true
| false
| input
| <identifier>
| (let (<binding>+) <expr>)
| (<op1> <expr>)
| (<op2> <expr> <expr>)
| (set! <name> <expr>)
| (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
| (block <expr>+)
| (loop <expr>)
| (break <expr>)
| (<name> <expr>*) (new!)
<op1> := add1 | sub1 | isnum | isbool | print (new!)
<op2> := + | - | * | < | > | >= | <= | =
<binding> := (<identifier> <expr>)
Abstract Syntax
You can choose the abstract syntax you use for Diamondback.
A Diamondback program always evaluates to a single integer, a single boolean,
or ends with an error. When ending with an error, it should print a message to
standard error (eprintln!
in Rust works well for this) and a non-zero exit
code (std::process::exit(N)
for nonzero N
in Rust works well for this).
A Diamondback program starts by evaluating the <expr>
at the end of the
. The new expressions have the following semantics:
(<name> <expr>*)
is a function call. It first evaluates the expressions to values. Then it evaluates the body of the corresponding function definition (the one with the given<name>
) with the values bound to each of the parameter names in that definition.(print <expr>)
evaluates the expression to a value and prints it to standard output followed by a\n
character. Theprint
expression itself should evaluate to the given value.
There are several examples further down to make this concrete.
The compiler should stop and report an error if:
- There is a call to a function name that doesn't exist
- Multiple functions are defined with the same name
- A function's parameter list has a duplicate name
- There is a call to a function with the wrong number of arguments
is used in a function definition (rather than in the expression at the end). It's worth thinking of that final expression as themain
function or method
If there are multiple errors, the compiler can report any non-empty subset of them.
Here are some examples of Diamondback programs.
Example 1
(fun (fact n)
((i 1) (acc 1))
(if (> i n)
(break acc)
(set! acc (* acc i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(fact input)
Example 2
(fun (isodd n)
(if (< n 0)
(isodd (- 0 n))
(if (= n 0)
(iseven (sub1 n))
(fun (iseven n)
(if (= n 0)
(isodd (sub1 n))
(print input)
(print (iseven input))
Proper Tail Calls
Implement safe-for-space tail calls for Diamondback. Test with deeply-nested recursion. To make sure you've tested proper tail calls and not just tail recursion, test deeply-nested mutual recursion between functions with different numbers of arguments.
Implementing a Compiler for Diamondback
The main new feature in Diamondback is functions. You should choose and implement a calling convention for these. You're welcome to use the “standard” x86_64 sysv as a convention, or use some of what we discussed in class, or choose something else entirely. Remember that when calling runtime functions in Rust, the generated code needs to respect that calling convention.
A compiler for Diamondback does not need guarantee safe-for-space tail calls, but they are allowed.
Running and Testing
Running and testing are as for Cobra, there is no new infrastructure.
Reference interpreter
You may check the behavior of programs using this interpreter.
As with the previous assignment, a lot of the credit you get will be based on us running autograded tests on your submission. You'll be able to see the result of some of these on while the assignment is out, but we may have more that we don't show results for until after assignments are all submitted.
We'll combine that with some amount of manual grading involving looking at your
testing and implementation strategy. You should have your own thorough test
suite (it's not unreasonable to write many dozens of tests; you probably don't
need hundreds), and you need to have recognizably implemented a compiler. For
example, you could try to calculate the answer for these programs and
generate a single mov
instruction: don't do that, it doesn't demonstrate the
learning outcomes we care about.
Extension 1: Add Function Definitions to the REPL
Add the ability to define functions to the REPL. Entries should be a definition
(which could be define
or fun
) or an expression.
Functions should be able to use global variables define
d in earlier entries
in the function body.
Extension 2: Compiling Functions with Dynamically-Discovered Types
Consider a function like this one from class:
(fun (sumrec num sofar)
(if (= num 0)
(sumrec (+ num -1) (+ sofar num))))
Because this function could be called with booleans for num
or sofar
, the
compiler is obligated to insert tag checks for the =
and +
operations here.
(Actually, there are some kinds of purely-static optimizations we could do
here; if control-flow reaches the else branch we know that num
is a number
because otherwise the =
check would have errored, so could elide the checks
for (+ num -1)
; there are some similar examples in section 2 of this
which discusses some more complex cases. However that won't be the focus of
this extension.)
We could save some work by doing all the tag checks before entering the
function body, compiling specific versions of the function for each different
combination of arguments, then dispatching to the correct one based on the
observed tags. This is common practice in JIT compilers, both at the function
leve and at the block
level. This would re-use some of the ideas
from the previous assignment on using the observed types of input
d variables to specialize code. In the sumrec
example, the compiler
would generate 4 different functions for something like sumrec
(fun (sumrec num sofar)
[(and (isnum num) (isnum sofar)) (sumrec_assume_num_num num sofar)]
[(and (isnum num) (isbool sofar)) (sumrec_assume_num_bool num sofar)]
[(and (isbool num) (isnum sofar)) (sumrec_assume_bool_num num sofar)]
[(and (isbool num) (isbool sofar)) (sumrec_assume_bool_bool num sofar)]))
However, this quickly explodes generated code size as we introduce more types and more arguments (it's (#types) to the power of (#args), and for a general-purpose compiler we should avoid creating binaries that are exponential in the size of the source program!). The references above use dynamic information to avoid this ahead-of-time explosion. We need to be a bit more clever as well.
For this extension, we'll pick a simple model that is surprisingly effective and uses the dynamic code-generation techniques we've been studying:
The first time a function is called, the types of the arguments are likely the types that will be given to that function again in the future, and it's worth specializing for that case.
This would allow us to compile just two versions of a function:
- One that handles all possible combinations of arguments with all tag checks, making no assumptions
- One that is specialized to the types of the arguments seen for the first call to the function
The first version is the one generated by the standard compiler. Generating the second is where the dynamic work happens.
There are a number of ways to set this up. We recommend making use of some of
the dynamic assembly editing features of dynasm
. The
method allows for changing already generated code. A short demo of alter
in the
The process of taking a running function, jumping to the compiler, rewriting the code of that function, then going back to it, involves some thought about stack manipulation manipulation. (In general, in real-world JIT compilers, the process of on-stack replacement (OSR) grows quite complex, with shuffling registers and converting between stack frame layouts.) Here's one way we recommend implementing the required behavior.
Start from your code for
in the previous assignment (e.g. make sure you're in the context of the compiler with all the necessary pieces imported) -
On first compile, for each function, compile the “slow” version and put its code at the label
. -
Also compile a “stub” with the function's actual name that calls back into a (Rust) function with the provided arguments and a reference to the (Snek) function to be compiled:
<function-name>: mov rdi, <fun reference> ; The address of a reference, like a *const Definition mov rsi, arg1 mov rdx, arg2 ... all args ... jmp compile_opt_N ; Just one copy of compile_opt_N in the generated code, not one per function compile_opt_N: call compile_opt_rust_N ; jmp rax ; compile_opt_N will return a function pointer! ; depending on your calling convention, you may ; or may not need to clean up and set up some ; registers before the jmp to make the stack frame ; “look right”
To get a reference to the Snek function being compiled, you can get a raw pointer to the actual
definition object, and put the number of that address into the generated code as an immediate value. You can then cast back to a&Definition
below. You could also store an index (in theVec<Definition>
that likely makes up part of the AST), but you'd still need some way to pass that vector back to the stub, below, so some raw address will probably be needed. Think about lifetimes just as much as you need to make sure the AST will be available and not dropped by the time this compilation happens! -
function will be implemented in Rust and have a signature like:extern "C" fn compile_opt_rust_N( def: *const Definition, arg1: u64, ... argN: u64 ) { // compile the definition and return a function pointer to the version to // call }
In this Rust function you can compile the optimized version of the function based on the given arguments' tags. You can probably re-use code you wrote for the previous extension to compile the optimized version with known tags for those arguments.
This code will likely use
for two different purposes:- First, add a new label
with the generated optimized code at the end of the generated code. - Then, rewrite the body of
to have a conditional check for the provided tags, andjmp
to thefast
version as appropriate (note that this is trivially a tail call)
- First, add a new label
Don't forget to get the address of the generated code that it can be called! Future calls to
will use the overwritten code, but for this first call you need to make sure to do the call yourself. -
We recommend creating a few versions of
for argument list lengths 0, 1, 2 until the pattern is clear, and only then try to generalize to a varargs Rust function.
There are definitely other ways to set this up, but we think this scheme can be made to work.
There is a lot of thinking and debugging required here! Don't be surprised if this takes longer than the previous extensions; we don't have a great calibration of the expected pace of these, so there's no expectation that it takes (only) a week -- it may well take the rest of the quarter.
Week 6-7: Egg Eater, Due Friday, May 13 (Open Collaboration)
In this assignment you'll implement heap allocated structures in your compiler.
There is a mostly empty starter repository for this assignment.
You should pick a starting point for the compiler based on your
own previous work (e.g. diamondback
). Functions are necessary,
but you can get away with 1- and 2-argument functions, so you
can start from code from class.
Your Additions
You should add the following features:
Some mechanism for heap-allocation of an arbitrary number of values. That is, the
(vec <expr> <expr>)
from class would not be sufficient because it only supports two positions. The easiest thing might be to add tuples with any number of positions in the constructor (e.g.(vec <expr>+)
). -
An expression for lookup that allows computed indexed access. That is, you should have an expression like
(vec-get <expr> <expr>)
where the first expression evaluates to a vec and the second evaluates to a number, and the value at that index is returned.
This expression must report a dynamic error if an out-of-bounds index is given.
If a heap-allocated value is the result of a program or printed by
, all of its contents should be printed in some format that makes it clear which values are part of the same heap data. For example, in the output all the values associated with a particular location may be printed as(vec ...)
Any other features needed to express the programs listed in the section on required tests below.
The following features are explicitly optional and not required:
- Updating elements of heap-allocated values
- Structural equality (
can mean physical/reference equality) - Detecting when out-of-memory occurs. Your language should be able to allocate at least a few tens of thousands of words, but doesn't need to detect or recover from filling up memory.
Required Tests
– A program with a number of simple examples of constructing and accessing heap-allocated data in your language.input/error-tag.snek
– A program with a runtime tag-checking error related to heap-allocated values.input/error-bounds.snek
– A program with a runtime error related to out-of-bounds indexing of heap-allocated values.input/error3.snek
– A third program with a different error than the other two related to heap-allocated values.input/points.snek
– A program with a function that takes an x and a y coordinate and produces a structure with those values, and a function that takes two points and returns a new point with their x and y coordinates added together, along with several tests that print example output from calling these functions.input/bst.snek
– A program that illustrates how your language enables the creation of binary search trees, and implements functions to add an element and check if an element is in the tree. Include several tests that print example output from calling these functions.
Handin and Design Document
There are no autograding tests or associated points, your submission will be graded based on an associated design document you submit -- no more than 2 pages in 10pt font -- summarized below.
Your PDF should contain:
- The concrete grammar of your language, pointing out and describing the new concrete syntax beyond Diamondback/your starting point. Graded on clarity and completeness (it’s clear what’s new, everything new is there) and if it’s accurately reflected by your parse implementation.
- A diagram of how heap-allocated values are arranged on the heap, including any extra words like the size of an allocated value or other metadata. Graded on clarity and completeness, and if it matches the implementation of heap allocation in the compiler.
- The required tests above. In addition to appearing in the code you submit, (they should be in the PDF). These will be partially graded on your explanation and provided code, and partially on if your compiler implements them according to your expectations.
- For each of the
files, show running the compiled code at the terminal and explain in which phase your compiler and/or runtime catches the error. - For the others, include the actual output of running the program (in terms of stdout/stderr), the output you’d like them to have (if you couldn't get something working) and any notes on interesting features of that output.
- Pick two other programming languages you know that support heap-allocated data, and describe why your language’s design is more like one than the other.
- A list of the resources you used to complete the assignment, including message board posts, online resources (including resources outside the course readings like Stack Overflow or blog posts with design ideas), and students or course staff discussions you had in-person. Please do collaborate and give credit to your collaborators.
Write a professional document that could be shared with a team that works on the language, or users of it, to introduce them to it.
Submit your code, including all tests, and also including the same PDF in the root of the
repository as design.pdf
. This dual submission is best for us to review and grade the assignments.
Happy hacking!
- Add structure update (e.g.
from class) - Add structural equality (choose a new operator if you like)
- Update your compiler with extensions from previous assignments to support heap allocation (e.g. REPL, JIT, and so on). Leave out any new tag checks related to heap-allocated values as appropriate.
Grading will generally based on clarity and completeness of your writing, and based on implementing features and tests that match the descriptions above.
Week 8: Fer-de-lance (closed collaboration)
Fer-de-lance, aka FDL, aka Functions Defined by Lambdas, is an egg-eater-like language with anonymous, first-class functions.
You can use the starter code from github (which might need a bit of work around the implementation of print
or extend/modify your own code for egg-eater
as you prefer.
Your Additions
starts with the egg-eater
and has two significant syntactic changes.
First, it makes function definitions
(defn (f x1 ... xn) e)
a form of expression that can be bound to a variable and passed as a parameter, -
Second, it adds the notion of a
(fn (x1 ... xn) e)
expression for defining anonymous or nameless functions,
pub enum Expr {
Call(String, Vec<Expr>),
pub struct Defn {
pub name: Option<String>,
pub params: Vec<String>,
pub body: Box<Expr>,
For example
(defn (f it)
(it 5))
(let (foo (fn (z) (* z 10)))
(f foo)
(defn (compose f g)
(fn (x) (f (g x))))
(defn (inc x)
(+ x 1))
(let (f (compose inc inc))
(f input))
You can write recursive functions as
(defn (f it x)
(it x))
(defn (fac n)
(if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fac (+ n -1)))))
(f fac input)
For a longer example, see map.snek fold.snek
Functions should behave just as if they followed a substitution-based semantics. This means that when a function is constructed, the program should store any "free" variables that they reference that aren't part of the argument list, for use when the function is called. This naturally matches the semantics of function values in languages like OCaml, Haskell and Python.
Runtime Errors
There are several updates to runtime errors as a result of adding first-class functions:
You should throw an error with
arity mismatch
when there is mismatch in the number of arguments at a call. -
The value in function position may not be a function (for example, a user may erroneously apply a number), which should trigger a runtime error error that reports
"not a function
Memory Layout
Functions/Closures should be stored in the heap as a tuple
| code-ptr | arity | var1 | var2 | ... | varN |
For example, in this program:
(let* ((x 10)
(y 12)
(f (fn (z) (+ x (+ y z)))))
(f 5))
The memory layout of the fn
would be:
| <address> | 1 | 20 | 24 |
There is one argument (
), so1
is stored for arity. -
There are two free variables—
—so the corresponding values are stored in contiguous addresses (20
to represent10
to represent 12).
Function Values
Function values are stored in variables and registers
as the address of the first word in the function's memory,
but with an additional 5
in binary) added to the
value to act as a tag.
Hence, the value layout is now:
0xWWWWWWW[www0] - Number
0xWWWWWWW[w111] - True
0xWWWWWWW[w011] - False
0xWWWWWWW[w001] - Pair
0xWWWWWWW[w101] - Function
Computing and Storing Free Variables
An important part of saving function values is figuring out the set of free variables that need to be stored, and storing them on the heap.
Our compiler needs to generated code to store all of the free variables in a function – all the variables that are used but not defined by an argument or let binding inside the function.
So, for example, x
is free and y
is not in:
(fn (y) (+ x y))
In this next expression, z
is free, but x
and y
are not, because x
is bound by the let
(fn (y) (let (x 10) (+ x (+ y z))))
Note that if these examples were the whole program, well-formedness would signal an error that these variables are unbound. However, these expressions could appear as sub-expressions in other programs, for example:
(let* ((x 10)
(f (fn (y) (+ x y))))
(f 10))
In this program, x
is not unbound – it has a binding
in the first branch of the let
. However, relative
to the lambda
expression, it is free, since there
is no binding for it within the lambda
’s arguments
or body.
You should fill in the function free_vars
that returns
the set of free variables in an Expr
fn freeVars(e: &Expr) -> HashSet<String>
You may need to write one or more helper functions
for free_vars
, that keep track of an environment.
Then free_vars
can be used when compiling Defn
to fetch the values from the surrounding environment,
and store them on the heap.
In the example of heap layout above, the free_vars
function should return the set hashset!{"x", "y"}
, and that
information can be used in conjunction with
to perform the necessary mov
This means that the generated code for a Defn
will look much like it did in class but with
an extra step to move the stored variables
into their respective tuple slots.
Restoring Saved Variables
The description above outlines how to store the free variables of a function. They also need to be restored when the function is called, so that each time the function is called, they can be accessed.
In this assignment we'll treat the stored variables as if they were a special kind of local variable, and reallocate space for them on the stack at the beginning of each function body.
So each function body will have an additional part
of the prelude to restore
the variables onto the stack,
and their uses will be compiled just as local variables are.
This lets us re-use much of our infrastructure of stack
offsets and the environment.
The outline of work here is:
At the prelude of the function body, get a reference to the function closure's address from which the free variables' values can be obtained and restored,
Add instructions to the prelude of each function that restore the stored variables onto the stack, given this address
Assuming this stack layout, compile the function's body in an environment that will look up all variables, whether stored, arguments, or let-bound, in the correct location
The second and third points are straightforward applications of ideas we've seen already – copying appropriate values from the heap into the stack, and using the environment to make variable references look at the right locations on the stack.
The first point requires a little more design work.
If we try to fill in the body of temp_closure_1
above, we immediately run into the issue of where we
should find the stored values in memory.
We'd like some way to, say, move the address of the
function value into rax
so we could start copying
values onto the stack.
But how do we get access to the function value?
To solve this, we are going to augment the calling convention in Fer-de-lance to pass along the closure-pointer as the zero-th parameter when calling a function.
So, for example, in call like:
(f 4 5)
We would generate code for the caller like:
mov rax, [rbp-16] ;; (wherever 'f' is stored)
<code to check that rax is tagged 101, and has arity 2>
push 10 ;; 2nd param = 5
push 8 ;; 1st param = 4
mov rax, [rbp-16] ;;
push rax ;; 0th param = closure
sub rax, 5 ;; remove tag
mov rax, [rax] ;; load code-pointer from closure
call rax ;; call the function
Now the function's closure is available on the stack, accessible just as the 0th argument so we can use that in the prelude for restoration.
Recommended TODO List
Move over code from past assignment and/or lecture code to get the basics going. There is intentionally less support code this time to put less structure on how errors are reported, etc. Feel free to start with code copied from past labs. Note that the initial state of the tests will not run even simple programs until you get things started.
Implement the compilation of
, ignoring free variables. You'll deal with storing and checking the arity and code pointer, and generating and jumping over the instructions for a function. Test as you go. -
, testing as you go. -
Implement storing and restoring of variables in the compilation of
(both in the function prelude and the place where the closure is created). -
Figure out how to extend your implementation to support recursive functions; it should be a straightforward extension if you play your cards correctly in the implementation of
(what should you "bind" the name of the function to, in the body of the function?)
Week 8-9: Gardener (Garbage Collection) (Closed Collaboration)
In this assignment you'll implement garbage collection for a language called
which uses our design for heap allocation.
Starter Code in github classroom)
For this assignment, you will (as in previous assignments) submit both a compiler and a runtime.
Since garbage collection is a runtime feature, we provide a working Gardener compiler for you: (github classroom).
If you use the starter code, you'll only have to modify the runtime. However, feel free to instead update your own Egg-Eater compiler to match the Gardener spec.
The Gardener Language
The Gardener
language extends Diamondback
with heap allocation and garbage
Concrete Syntax
<prog> := <defn>* <expr>
<defn> := (defn (<name> <name>*) <expr>)
<expr> :=
| <number>
| true
| false
| nil
| input
| <identifier>
| (let (<binding>+) <expr>)
| (<op1> <expr>)
| (<op2> <expr> <expr>)
| (set! <name> <expr>)
| (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
| (block <expr>+)
| (loop <expr>)
| (break <expr>)
| (gc)
| (vec <expr>*)
| (make-vec <expr> <expr>)
| (vec-get <expr> <expr>)
| (vec-set! <expr> <expr> <expr>)
| (vec-len <expr>)
| (<name> <expr>*)
| (snek-<name> <expr>*)
<op1> := add1 | sub1 | isnum | isbool | isvec | print
<op2> := + | - | * | / | < | > | >= | <= | =
<binding> := (<identifier> <expr>)
The new pieces of syntax are nil
, gc
, vec
, make-vec
, vec-get
, vec-len
, isvec
, and /
Additionally, it allows for any implementation-defined extra operations that
start with snek-
which compilers for Gardener may implement or not as they like.
The starter code implements a (snek-printstack)
Gardener adds the runtime type of vectors.
A vector is either nil
or a heap-allocated list of zero or more elements.
It adds these new syntax constructs:
evaluates to thenil
vector. -
forces the garbage collector to run, and returns 0. -
(vec arg1 ... argN)
allocates a new vector on the heap of sizeN
with contents[arg1, ..., argN]
. -
(make-vec count value)
allocates a new vector on the heap of sizecount
with contents[value, value, value, ...]
.It gives a runtime error if
does not evaluate to a number, or if it evaluates to a negative number. -
(vec-get vec index)
gets theindex
th component ofvec
.It gives a runtime error if
does not evaluate to a non-nil vector or ifindex
does not evaluate to a valid (0-based) index into the vector. -
(vec-set! vec index value)
sets theindex
th component ofvec
and returnsvec
.It gives a runtime error if
does not evaluate to a non-nil vector or ifindex
does not evaluate to a valid (0-based) index into the vector. -
(vec-len vec)
returns number of items ofvec
.It gives a runtime error if
does not evaluate to a non-nil vector. -
(isvec value)
is a vector (possibly nil) andfalse
otherwise. -
(/ x y)
implements division and gives a runtime error if the denominatory
is zero. -
(snek-<name> args...)
: the specification and behavior of operations beginning withsnek-
is implementation-defined. This means compilers can do whatever they want with these operations.The motivation is to make debugging your GC easier: feel free to add whatever built-in debugging operations would be helpful. For example, the starter code compiler implements a
operation. -
should implement reference equality for vectors. -
Vectors are printed as comma-separated lists surrounded by square brackets,
is printed asnil
, and cyclic references should be printed as[...]
.For example, the cyclic linked list containing
would be printed as[true, [nil, [...]]]
In addition, the compiled program now takes two arguments instead of just one.
The first argument is the input, which may be
, or a number. If no arguments are provided, the default input isfalse
. -
The second argument is the heap size in (8-byte) words, which must be a nonnegative number. If no second argument is provided, the default heap size is 10000.
During a program's execution, if heap space runs out, it runs the garbage
collector. If there is still not enough heap space, it exits with the error out of memory
This program implements several linked list manipluations, which involve
allocating a lot of data which eventually becomes garbage.
It prints out "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1"
(defn (range n m)
(if (= n m) (vec n nil) (vec n (range (add1 n) m))))
(defn (append list1 list2)
(if (= list1 nil)
(vec (vec-get list1 0) (append (vec-get list1 1) list2))))
(defn (reverse list)
(if (= list nil) nil (append (reverse (vec-get list 1)) (vec (vec-get list 0) nil))))
(defn (printall list) (loop
(if (= list nil) (break nil) (block
(print (vec-get list 0))
(set! list (vec-get list 1))
(let ((list (range 1 5)))
(printall (append list (reverse list))))
See also the other examples in the tests/
directory of the starter code.
Garbage collection
You will edit runtime/start.rs
to implement a mark-compact garbage collector,
as described in lecture.
Object layout
A Gardener heap object has two metadata words, followed by the actual data.
- First, there is a GC word, used to store the mark bit and the forwarding
pointer during garbage collection. Outside of garbage collection, the GC word
is always
. - Next, there is a word which stores the length of the vector. (Note that a
vector of length
actually useslen + 2
words, from the metadata.) - Next, there is each element of the vector, in order.
For example, the data (vec false true 17)
stored at heap address 0x100
be represented by the value 0x101
and this heap data:
As a running example, consider this program, run with a heap size of 15 words:
(let ((x (vec false true 17))
(y (vec 1 2)))
(set! x (vec nil y nil))
(set! y nil)
At the start of collection, the heap looks like this:
The stack contains the variables x
and y
. x
has value 0x149
= C
is nil
, so the root set is {C
The first step of mark-compact is marking. We mark a heap object by setting its mark bit, the lowest bit of the GC word. Marking does a graph traversal of the heap, starting from the roots found on the stack.
Here's what the heap looks like after marking:
Since object A is not marked, we know that it's dead and we can safely remove it from the heap.
The second step of mark-compact is compacting. Compacting has three parts:
- Computing forwarding locations
- Updating references
- Moving objects
Compacting 1: compute forwarding addresses
Once marking is finished, we now know which objects are still alive and which are garbage based on whether the mark bit is set in the GC header. Objects which are still alive get forwarding addresses: this is its new address that it will be moved to after compacting. Computing forwarding addresses is done by a linear scan though the heap. Here's what the heap looks like afterwards:
Compacting 2: update references
In order to move an object, we also have to update all references to that object to point to the new location. We do this by a linear scan though both the heap and the stack, changing each vector to point to the vector's eventual new location. Here's what the heap looks like afterwards:
Note that the heap address stored in object C has been changed, and on the
stack, the stack slot storing the variable x
has been updated to 0x121
Compacting 3: move the objects
Lastly, we do the actual compacting, moving heap objects to their destinations. This is also a linear scan through the heap. Here's the final result:
Starter code
The starter code contains the function headers for snek_try_gc
and snek_gc
which need to be implemented. snek_gc
is called by the (gc)
operation, and
is called when there is not enough room for an allocation.
Heap layout
The static mut
Rust variable HEAP_START
has the address of the start of
the heap, and HEAP_END
has the address of the end of the heap. These are set
once in main
when the heap is allocated, and should never change again
throughout the running of the program.
Like the lecture compiler, the starter code uses r15
as a heap pointer. It is
passed to the functions snek_gc
and snek_try_gc
as the argument heap_ptr
The space between HEAP_START
and heap_ptr
is full of objects, and the space
between heap_ptr
is free.
Stack layout
Not everything on the stack is a snek value -- there's also return addresses and some saved registers in there. So, to traverse the stack, it helps to know the exact layout of what it looks like.
The starter code compiler uses a stack frame layout that'll be hopefully
familiar if you've talked about stack frames in other classes, by using rbp
the frame pointer. This means that during a function's execution, rbp
to the bottom of the current function's stack frame.
On function entry, the function:
- Pushes the old value of
- Saves
- Subtracts an amount of words from
to make room for local variables
Then, on function exit, it:
- Moves
back to where it used to be - Restores the old value of
by popping it
(These operations are so common that x86 even has special instructions for them!) Concretely, the stack ends up looking like this:
Submission, testing, and grading
We will test that your compiler + runtime (a) works, (b) runs out of memory when it should, and (c) doesn't run out of memory when it shouldn't.
Your runtime should only allocate as many words of heap space as specified by the command-line argument.
Your runtime needs to be able to use the whole heap (so you're more or less forced to use mark/compact)
Data on the heap is live if it is reachable from some variable or some currently-in-use temporary storage. (This is exactly the data kept after a GC.)
If, during an allocation,
(total live data size) + (new object size)
≤(total heap size)
, then the allocation should succeed. Otherwise, it should halt with the messageout of memory
. By “during an allocation”, we mean:- In a
expression after the value and size subexpressions have been evaluated - In a
expression after the element expressions have been evaluated
(This is relevant because it specifies that an expression like
(vec (+ nil 9))
could never trigger out-of-memory, it would only error because of the runtime tag check on+
. We aren't actively trying to test for these kinds of specific cases, but it helps to disambiguate.) - In a
This assignment is officially closed to collaboration, but we have some specific categories where we encourage you to share:
- You may share test cases with your peers by submitting them to the [student test repo] below. Have test cases case you think will break your classmates' GCs? Test cases that helped you fix a bug? Cool programs you just want to share? Make a PR! We'll merge in the pull requests every day or two.
- You may share (publicly on PIAZZ or otherwise) diagrams or other representations of the heap + stack at various stages in garbage collection to understand examples
Student Test Repo: https://github.com/ucsd-cse231/gardener-student-tests
Extension: simple generational GC
Nearly all modern garbage collectors take advantage of the high infant mortality rate for heap allocations, by segregating the heap into multiple generations, each of which stores data of a particular age, and processing the older generations less frequently than the younger generations.
In this extension, you'll implement this idea by adding a nursery to your GC.
- The nursery should be around 10% of the size of the old space (the main mark-compact heap).
- Allocations go into the nursery (i.e.,
points into here); when nursery space runs out, this triggers a minor collection. (Large objects which don't fit into the nursery should be allocated directly to the old space.) - A minor collection evacuates the nursery, reallocating all its live objects into the old space (using the copying GC algorithm). When main heap space runs out, this triggers a major collection.
- A major collection collects both the nursery and the old space, compacting both the old space and the nursery into the old space.
Write barriers and the remembered set. What root set do we use for a minor collection? Pointers into the nursery can come from two sources: the stack, or the old space. The stack is typically quite small, but we want to avoid traversing the whole old space -- after all, this is what makes a minor collection fast.
So in order to find roots from the old space, we'll make the program keep a log of which old-space objects contain pointers into the nursery. This has a runtime component and a compiler component:
- At run time, we need a physical datastructure (usually called the remembered set) to record which old-space objects may contain pointers into the nursery. A good option here is an array of pointers to old-space objects, together with a header flag in each old-space object saying whether it's already in the remembered set. When the array fills up, you could either resize it, or reset it by triggering a minor collection.
- Before writing to the heap in
, we need to check if it's putting a pointer into the nursery into the old space, and if so, update the remembered set accordingly. This requires compiler support. (In general, any kind of GC-related check that happens during memory writes is called a write barrier.)
starts with fer-de-lance
and makes one major addition
and a minor deletion
- add static types,
- replace unbounded tuples, with pairs.
That is, we now have a proper type system and the Checker
is extended to infer types for all sub-expressions.
The code proceeds to compile
(i.e. Asm
only if it type checks.
This lets us eliminate a whole bunch of the dynamic tests
- checking arithmetic arguments are actually numbers,
- checking branch conditions are actually booleans,
- checking tuple accesses are actually on tuples,
- checking that call-targets are actually functions,
- checking the arity of function calls,
etc. as code that typechecks is guaranteed to pass the checks at run time.
Lets start with an informal overview of our strategy for type inference; as usual we will then formalize and implement this strategy.
The core idea is this:
- Traverse the
... - Generating fresh variables for unknown types...
- Unifying function input types with their arguments ...
- Substituting solutions for variables to infer types.
Lets do the above procedure informally for a couple of examples!
Example 1: Inputs and Outputs
(defn (incr x) (+ x 1))
(incr input)
Example 2: Polymorphism
(defn (id x) x)
(let* ((a1 (id 7))
(a2 (id true)))
Example 3: Higher-Order Functions
(defn (f it x)
(+ (it x) 1))
(defn (incr z)
(+ z 1))
(f incr 10)
Example 4: Lists
;; --- an API for lists --------------------------------------
(defn (nil) (as (forall (a) (-> () (list a))))
(defn (cons h t) (as (forall (a) (-> (a (list a)) (list a))))
(vec h t))
(defn (head l) (as (forall (a) (-> ((list a)) a)))
(vec-get l 0))
(defn (tail l) (as (forall (a) (-> ((list a)) (list a))))
(vec-get l 1))
(defn (isnil l) (as (forall (a) (-> ((list a)) bool)))
(= l false))
;;--- computing with lists ----------------------------------
(defn (length xs)
(if (isnil xs)
(+ 1 (length (tail xs)))))
(defn (sum xs)
(if (isnil xs)
(+ (head xs) (sum (tail xs)))))
(let (xs (cons 10 (cons 20 (cons 30 (nil)))))
(vec (length xs) (sum xs)))
Strategy Recap
- Traverse the
... - Fresh variables for unknown types...
- Unifying function input types with their arguments ...
- Substituting solutions for variables to infer types ...
- Generalizing types into polymorphic functions ...
- Instantiating polymorphic type variables at each use-site.
- Types
- Expressions
- Variables & Substitution
- Unification
- Generalize & Instantiate
- Inferring Types
- Extensions
First, lets see how the syntax of our garter
changes to
enable static types.
Syntax of Types
A Type
is one of:
pub enum Ty {
Fun(Vec<Ty>, Box<Ty>),
Vec(Box<Ty>, Box<Ty>),
Ctor(TyCtor, Vec<Ty>),
here TyCtor
and TyVar
are just string names:
pub struct TyVar(String); // e.g. "a", "b", "c"
pub struct TyCtor(String); // e.g. "List", "Tree"
Finally, a polymorphic type is represented as:
pub struct Poly {
pub vars: Vec<TyVar>,
pub ty: Ty,
Example: Monomorphic Types
A function that
- takes two input
- returns an output
Has the monomorphic type (-> (Int Int) Int)
Which we would represent as a Poly
forall(vec![], fun(vec![Ty::Int, Ty::Int], Ty::Int))
Note: If a function is monomorphic (i.e. not polymorphic),
we can just use the empty vec of TyVar
Example: Polymorphic Types
Similarly, a function that
- takes a value of any type and
- returns a value of the same type
Has the polymorphic type (forall (a) (-> (a) a))
Which we would represent as a Poly
fun(vec![Ty::Var(tv("a"))], Box::new(Ty::Var(tv("a")))),
Similarly, a function that takes two values and returns the first,
can be given a Poly
type (forall (a b) (-> (a b) a))
which is
represented as:
vec![tv("a"), tv("b")],
fun(vec![Ty::Var(tv("a")), Ty::Var(tv("b"))], Ty::Var(tv("a"))))
Syntax of Expressions
To enable inference harlequin
simplifies the language a little bit.
Dynamic tests
are removed, -
Tuples always have exactly two elements; you can represent
(vec e1 e2 e3)
as(vec e1 (vec e2 e3))
. -
Tuple access is limited to the fields
(instead of arbitrary expressions).
pub enum ExprKind<Ann>{
Vek(Box<Expr<Ann>>, Box<Expr<Ann>>), // Tuples have 2 elems
Get(Box<Expr<Ann>>, Index), // Get 0-th or 1-st elem
Fun(Defn<Ann>), // Named functions
pub enum Index {
Zero, // 0-th field
One, // 1-st field
- Types
- Expressions
- Variables & Substitution
- Unification
- Generalize & Instantiate
- Inferring Types
- Extensions
Our informal algorithm proceeds by
- Generating fresh type variables for unknown types,
- Traversing the
to unify the types of sub-expressions, - By substituting a type variable with a whole type.
Lets formalize substitutions, and use it to define unification.
Representing Substitutions
We represent substitutions as a record with two fields:
struct Subst {
/// hashmap from type-var |-> type
map: HashMap<TyVar, Ty>,
/// counter used to generate fresh type variables
idx: usize,
is a map from type variables to types,idx
is a counter used to generate new type variables.
For example, ex_subst()
is a substitution that maps a
, b
and c
, bool
and (-> (int int) int)
let ex_subst = Subst::new(&[
(tv("a"), Ty::Int),
(tv("b"), Ty::Bool),
(tv("c"), fun(vec![Ty::Int, Ty::Int], Ty::Int)),
Applying Substitutions
The main use of a substition is to apply it to a type, which has the effect of replacing each occurrence of a type variable with its substituted value (or leaving it untouched if it is not mentioned in the substitution.)
We define an interface for "things that can be substituted" as:
trait Subable {
fn apply(&self, subst: &Subst) -> Self;
fn free_vars(&self) -> HashSet<TyVar>;
and then we define how to apply
substitutions to Type
, Poly
and lists and maps of Type
and Poly
For example,
let ty = fun(vec![tyv("a"), tyv("z")], tyv("b"));
returns a type like
fun(vec![Ty::Int, tyv("z")], Ty::Bool)
by replacing "a"
and "b"
with Ty::Int
and Ty::Bool
and leaving "z" alone.
Recall that let ex_subst = ["a" |-> Ty::Int, "b" |-> Ty::Bool]
What should be the result of
let ty = forall(vec!["a"], fun(vec![tyv("a")], tyv("a")));
forall(vec!["a"], fun(vec![Ty::Int ], Ty::Bool)
forall(vec!["a"], fun(vec![tyv("a")], tyv("a"))
forall(vec!["a"], fun(vec![tyv("a")], Ty::Bool)
forall(vec!["a"], fun(vec![Ty::Int ], tyv("a"))
forall(vec![ ], fun(vec![Ty::Int ], Ty::Bool)
Bound vs. Free Type Variables
Indeed, the type
(forall (a) (-> (a) a))
is identical to
(forall (z) (-> (z) z))
A bound type variable is one that appears under a
. -
A free type variable is one that is not bound.
We should only substitute free type variables.
Applying Substitutions
Thus, keeping the above in mind, we can define apply
as a recursive traversal:
fn apply(&self, subst: &Subst) -> Self {
let mut subst = subst.clone();
forall(self.vars.clone(), self.ty.apply(&subst))
fn apply(ty: &Ty, subst: &Subst) -> Self {
match ty {
Ty::Int => Ty::Int,
Ty::Bool => Ty::Bool,
Ty::Var(a) => subst.lookup(a).unwrap_or(Ty::Var(a.clone())),
Ty::Fun(in_tys, out_ty) => {
let in_tys = in_tys.iter().map(|ty| ty.apply(subst)).collect();
let out_ty = out_ty.apply(subst);
fun(in_tys, out_ty)
Ty::Vec(ty0, ty1) => {
let ty0 = ty0.apply(subst);
let ty1 = ty1.apply(subst);
Ty::Vec(Box::new(ty0), Box::new(ty1))
Ty::Ctor(c, tys) => {
let tys = tys.iter().map(|ty| ty.apply(subst)).collect();
Ty::Ctor(c.clone(), tys)
where subst.remove(vs)
removes the mappings for vs
from subst
Creating Substitutions
We can start with an empty substitution that maps no variables
fn new() -> Subst {
Subst { map: Hashmap::new(), idx: 0 }
Extending Substitutions
we can extend the substitution by assigning a variable a
to type t
fn extend(&mut self, tv: &TyVar, ty: &Ty) {
// create a new substitution tv |-> ty
let subst_tv_ty = Self::new(&[(tv.clone(), ty.clone())]);
// apply tv |-> ty to all existing mappings
let mut map = hashmap! {};
for (k, t) in self.map.iter() {
map.insert(k.clone(), t.apply(&subst_tv_ty));
// add new mapping
map.insert(tv.clone(), ty.clone());
self.map = map
Note that when we extend [b |-> a]
by assigning a
to Int
we must
take care to also update b
to now map to Int
. That is why we:
- Create a new substitution
[a |-> Int]
- Apply it to each binding in
to get[b |-> Int]
- Insert it to get the extended substitution
[b |-> Int, a |-> Int]
- Types
- Expressions
- Variables & Substitution
- Unification
- Generalize & Instantiate
- Inferring Types
- Extensions
Next, lets use Subst
to implement a procedure to unify
two types,
i.e. to determine the conditions under which the two types are the same.
T1 | T2 | Unified | Substitution |
Int | Int | Int | empSubst |
a | Int | Int | `a |
a | b | b | `a |
a -> b | a -> d | a->d | `b |
a -> Int | Bool -> b | Bool->Int | `a |
Int | Bool | Error | Error |
Int | a -> b | Error | Error |
a | a -> Int | Error | Error |
- The first few cases: unification is possible,
- The last few cases: unification fails, i.e. type error in source!
Occurs Check
The very last failure:
in the first type occurs inside free inside the second type! -
If we try substituting
witha -> Int
we will just keep spinning forever! Hence, this also throws a unification failure.
Can you think of a program that would trigger the occurs check failure?
Implementing Unification
We implement unification as a function:
fn unify<A: Span>(ann: &A, subst: &mut Subst, t1: &Ty, t2: &Ty) -> Result<(), Error>
such that
unify(ann, subst, t1, t2)
- either extends
with assignments needed to maket1
the same ast2
, - or returns an error if the types cannot be unified.
The code is pretty much the table above:
fn unify<A: Span>(ann: &A, subst: &mut Subst, t1: &Ty, t2: &Ty) -> Result<(), Error> {
match (t1, t2) {
(Ty::Int, Ty::Int) | (Ty::Bool, Ty::Bool) => Ok(()),
(Ty::Fun(ins1, out1), Ty::Fun(ins2, out2)) => {
unifys(ann, subst, ins1, ins2)?;
let out1 = out1.apply(subst);
let out2 = out2.apply(subst);
unify(ann, subst, &out1, &out2)
(Ty::Ctor(c1, t1s), Ty::Ctor(c2, t2s)) if *c1 == *c2 => unifys(ann, subst, t1s, t2s),
(Ty::Vec(s1, s2), Ty::Vec(t1, t2)) => {
unify(ann, subst, s1, t1)?;
let s2 = s2.apply(subst);
let t2 = t2.apply(subst);
unify(ann, subst, &s2, &t2)
(Ty::Var(a), t) | (t, Ty::Var(a)) => var_assign(ann, subst, a, t),
(_, _) =>
format! {"Type Error: cannot unify {t1} and {t2}"},
The helpers
recursively callsunify
on sequences of types:var_assign
with[a |-> t]
if required and possible!
fn var_assign<A: Span>(ann: &A, subst: &mut Subst, a: &TyVar, t: &Ty) -> Result<(), Error> {
if *t == Ty::Var(a.clone()) {
} else if t.free_vars().contains(a) {
Err(Error::new(ann.span(), "occurs check error".to_string()))
} else {
subst.extend(a, t);
We can test out the above table:
fn unify0() {
let mut subst = Subst::new(&[]);
let _ = unify(&(0, 0), &mut subst, &Ty::Int, &Ty::Int);
assert!(format!("{:?}", subst) == "Subst { map: {}, idx: 0 }")
fn unify1() {
let mut subst = Subst::new(&[]);
let t1 = fun(vec![tyv("a")], Ty::Int);
let t2 = fun(vec![Ty::Bool], tyv("b"));
let _ = unify(&(0, 0), &mut subst, &t1, &t2);
assert!(subst.map == hashmap! {tv("a") => Ty::Bool, tv("b") => Ty::Int})
fn unify2() {
let mut subst = Subst::new(&[]);
let t1 = tyv("a");
let t2 = fun(vec![tyv("a")], Ty::Int);
let res = unify(&(0, 0), &mut subst, &t1, &t2).err().unwrap();
assert!(format!("{res}") == "occurs check error: a occurs in (-> (a) int)")
fn unify3() {
let mut subst = Subst::new(&[]);
let res = unify(&(0, 0), &mut subst, &Ty::Int, &Ty::Bool)
assert!(format!("{res}") == "Type Error: cannot unify int and bool")
- Types
- Expressions
- Variables & Substitution
- Unification
- Generalize & Instantiate
- Inferring Types
- Extensions
Generalize and Instantiate
Recall the example:
(defn (id x) x)
(let* ((a1 (id 7))
(a2 (id true)))
For the expression (defn (id x) x)
we inferred the type (-> (a0) a0)
We needed to generalize the above:
- to assign
-type:(forall (a0) (-> (a0) a0))
We needed to instantiate the above Poly
-type at each use
- at
(id 7)
the functionid
has type-> (int) int
- at
(id true)
the functionid
has type-> (bool) bool
Lets see how to implement those two steps.
Type Environments
To generalize
a type, we
- Compute its (free) type variables,
- Remove the ones that may still be constrained by other in-scope program variables.
We represent the types of in scope program variables as type environment
struct TypeEnv(HashMap<String, Poly>);
i.e. a Map
from program variables Id
to their (inferred) Poly
We can now implement generalize
fn generalize(env: &TypeEnv, ty: Ty) -> Poly {
// 1. compute ty_vars of `ty`
let ty_vars = ty.free_vars();
// 2. compute ty_vars of `env`
let env_vars = env.free_vars();
// 3. compute unconstrained vars: (1) minus (2)
let tvs = ty_vars.difference(env_vars).into_iter().collect();
// 4. slap a `forall` on the unconstrained `tvs`
forall(tvs, ty)
The helper freeTvars
computes the set of variables
that appear inside a Type
, Poly
and TypeEnv
// Free Variables of a Type
fn free_vars(ty:&Ty) -> HashSet<TyVar> {
match ty{
Ty::Int | Ty::Bool => hashset! {},
Ty::Var(a) => hashset! {a.clone()},
Ty::Fun(in_tys, out_ty) => free_vars_many(in_tys).union(out_ty.free_vars()),
Ty::Vec(t0, t1) => t0.free_vars().union(t1.free_vars()),
Ty::Ctor(_, tys) => free_vars_many(tys),
// Free Variables of a Poly
fn free_vars(poly: &Poly) -> HashSet<TyVar> {
let bound_vars = poly.vars.clone().into();
// Free Variables of a TypeEnv
fn free_vars(env: &TypeEnv) -> HashSet<TyVar> {
let mut res = HashSet::new();
for poly in self.0.values() {
res = res.union(poly.free_vars());
Next, to instantiate a Poly
of the form
forall(vec![a1,...,an], ty)
- Generate fresh type variables,
for each "parameter"a1...an
- Substitute
[a1 |-> b1,...,an |-> bn]
in the "body"ty
For example, to instantiate
forall(vec![tv("a")], fun(vec![tyv("a")], tyv("a")))
- Generate a fresh variable e.g.
, - Substitute
["a" |-> "a66"]
in the body["a"] |->> "a"
to get
fun(vec![tyv("a66")], tyv("a66"))
Implementing Instantiate
We implement the above as:
fn instantiate(&mut self, poly: &Poly) -> Ty {
let mut tv_tys = vec![];
// 1. Generate fresh type variables [b1...bn] for each `a1...an` of poly
for tv in &poly.vars {
tv_tys.push((tv.clone(), self.fresh()));
// 2. Substitute [a1 |-> b1, ... an |-> bn] in the body `ty`
let su_inst = Subst::new(&tv_tys);
Question Why does instantiate
update a Subst
Lets run it and see what happens!
let t_id = forall(vec![tv("a")], fun(vec![tyv("a")], tyv("a")));
let mut subst = Subst::new(&[]);
let ty0 = subst.instantiate(&t_id);
let ty1 = subst.instantiate(&t_id);
let ty2 = subst.instantiate(&t_id);
assert!(ty0 == fun(vec![tyv("a0")], tyv("a0")));
assert!(ty1 == fun(vec![tyv("a1")], tyv("a1")));
assert!(ty2 == fun(vec![tyv("a2")], tyv("a2")));
- The
calls bump up the counter (so we actually get fresh variables)
- Types
- Expressions
- Variables & Substitution
- Unification
- Generalize & Instantiate
- Inferring Types
- Extensions
The top-level type-checker looks like this:
Finally, we have all the pieces to implement the actual
type inference procedure infer
fn infer<A: Span>(env: &TypeEnv, subst: &mut Subst, e: &Expr<A>) -> Result<Ty, Error>
which takes as input:
- A
) mapping in-scope variables to their previously inferred (Poly
)-types, - A
) containing the current substitution/fresh-variable-counter, - An
) whose type we want to infer,
- returns as output the inferred type for
(or anError
if no such type exists), and - updates
by- generating fresh type variables and
- doing the unifications needed to check the
Lets look at how infer
is implemented for the different cases of expressions.
Inference: Literals
For numbers and booleans, we just return
the respective type and the input Subst
without any modifications.
Num(_) | Input => Ty::Int,
True | False => Ty::Bool,
Inference: Variables
For identifiers, we
- lookup their type in the
and - instantiate type-variables to get different types at different uses.
Var(x) => subst.instantiate(env.lookup(x)?),
Why do we instantiate? Recall the id
Inference: Let-bindings
Next, lets look at let-bindings:
Let(x, e1, e2) => {
let t1 = infer(env, subst, e1)?; // (1)
let env1 = env.apply(subst); // (2)
let s1 = generalize(&env1, t1); // (3)
let env2 = env1.extend(&[(x.clone(), s1)]); // (4)
infer(&env2, subst, e2)? // (5)
In essence,
- Infer the type
, - Apply the substitutions from (1) to the
, - Generalize
to make it aPoly
, - Extend the env to map
and, - Infer the type of
in the extended environment.
Inference: Function Definitions
Next, lets see how to infer the type of a function i.e. Lam
fn infer_defn<A: Span>(env: &TypeEnv, subst: &mut Subst, defn: &Defn<A>) -> Result<Ty, Error> {
// 1. Generate a fresh template for the function
let (in_tys, out_ty) = fresh_fun(defn, subst);
// 2. Add the types of the params to the environment
let mut binds = vec![];
for (x, ty) in defn.params.iter().zip(&in_tys) {
binds.push((x.clone(), mono(ty.clone())))
let env = env.extend(&binds);
// 3. infer the type of the body
let body_ty = infer(&env, subst, &defn.body)?;
// 4. Unify the body type with the output type
unify(&defn.body.ann, subst, &body_ty, &out_ty.apply(subst))?;
// 5. Return the function's template after applying subst
Ok(fun(in_tys.clone(), out_ty.clone()).apply(subst))
Inference works as follows:
- Generate a function type with fresh variables for the
unknown inputs (
) and output (out_ty
), - Extend the
so the parametersxs
have typesin_tys
, - Infer the type of
under the extendedenv
, - Unify the expected output
with the actualbody_ty
- Apply the substitutions to infer the function's type
(-> (in_tys) out_ty)
Inference: Function Calls
Finally, lets see how to infer the types of a call to a function whose
)-type is poly
with arguments in_args
fn infer_app<A: Span>(
ann: &A,
env: &TypeEnv,
subst: &mut Subst,
poly: Poly,
args: &[Expr<A>],
) -> Result<Ty, Error> {
// 1. Infer the types of input `args` as `in_tys`
let mut in_tys = vec![];
for arg in args {
in_tys.push(infer(env, subst, arg)?);
// 2. Generate a variable for the unknown output type
let out_ty = subst.fresh();
// 3. Unify the actual input-output `(-> (in_tys) out_ty)` with the expected `mono`
let mono = subst.instantiate(&poly);
unify(ann, subst, &mono, &fun(in_tys, out_ty.clone()))?;
// 4. Return the (substituted) `out_ty` as the inferred type of the expression.
The code works as follows:
- Infer the types of the inputs
, - Generate a template
for the unknown output type - Unify the actual input-output
(-> (in_tys) out_ty)
with the expectedmono
- Return the (substituted)
as the inferred type of the expression.
- Types
- Expressions
- Variables & Substitution
- Unification
- Generalize & Instantiate
- Inferring Types
- Extensions
The above gives you the basic idea, now you will have to implement a bunch of extensions.
- Primitives e.g.
, comparisons etc. - (Recursive) Functions
- Type Checking
Extensions: Primitives
What about primitives ?
,e1 + e2
What about branches ?
if cond: e1 else: e2
What about tuples ?
(e1, e2)
All of the above can be handled as applications to special functions.
For example, you can handle add1(e)
by treating it
as passing a parameter e
to a function with type:
(-> (int) int)
Similarly, handle e1 + e2
by treating it as passing the
parameters [e1, e2]
to a function with type:
(-> (int int) int)
Can you figure out how to similarly account for branches, tuples, etc. by filling in suitable implementations?
Extensions: (Recursive) Functions
Extend or modify the code for handling Defn
so that you can handle recursive functions.
- You can basically reuse the code as is
- Except if
appears in the body ofe
Can you figure out how to modify the environment under
which e
is checked to handle the above case?
Extensions: Type Checking
While inference is great, it is often useful to specify the types.
While inference is great, it is often useful to specify the types.
- They can describe behavior of untyped code
- They can be nice documentation, e.g. when we want a function to have a more restrictive type.
Assuming Specifications for Untyped Code
For example, we can implement lists as tuples and tell the type system to:
- trust the implementation of the core list library API, but
- verify the uses of the list library.
We do this by:
;; list "stdlib" (unchecked) --------------------------------------------------
(defn (nil) (as (forall (a) (-> () (list a))))
(defn (cons h t) (as (forall (a) (-> (a (list a)) (list a))))
(vec h t))
(defn (head l) (as (forall (a) (-> ((list a)) a)))
(vec-get l 0))
(defn (tail l) (as (forall (a) (-> ((list a)) (list a))))
(vec-get l 1))
(defn (isnil l) (as (forall (a) (-> ((list a)) bool)))
(= l false))
;; --------------------------------------------------
(defn (length l)
(if (isnil l)
(+ 1 (length (tail l)))))
(let (l0 (cons 0 (cons 1 (cons 2 (nil)))))
(length l0))
The as
keyword tells the system to trust the signature,
i.e. to assume it is ok, and to not check the implementations
of the function (see how ti
works for Assume
However, the signatures are used to ensure that nil
, cons
and tail
are used properly, for example, if we tried
(let (xs (cons 10 (cons true (cons 30 (nil)))))
(vec (head 10) (tail xs)))
we should get an error:
error: Type Error: cannot unify bool and int
┌─ tests/list2-err.snek:19:20
19 │ (let (xs (cons 10 (cons true (cons 30 (nil)))))
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Checking Specifications
Finally, sometimes we may want to restrict a function be used to some more specific type than what would be inferred.
allows for specifications on functions using the is
operator. For example, you may want a special function that
just compares two Int
for equality:
(defn (eqInt x y) (is (-> (int int) bool))
(= x y))
(eqInt 17 19)
As another example, you might write a swapList
that swaps pairs of lists The same code would
swap arbitrary pairs, but lets say you really want
it work just for lists:
(defn (swapList p) (is (forall (a b) (-> ((vec (list a) (list b))) (vec (list b) (list a)))))
(vec (vec-get p 1) (vec-get p 0)))
((l0 (cons 1 (nil)))
(l1 (cons true (nil))))
(swapList (vec l0 l1)))
Can you figure out how to extend the ti
procedure to
handle the case of Fun f (Check s) xs e
, and thus allow
for checking type specifications?
HINT: You may want to factor out steps 2-5 in the infer_defn
definition --- i.e. the code that checks the body
has type out_ty
when xs
have type in_tys
--- into a separate function to implement
the infer
cases for the different Sig
This is a bit tricky, and so am leaving it as Extra Credit.
Recommended TODO List
Copy over the relevant compilation code from
- Modify tuple implementation to work for pairs
- You can remove the dynamic tests (except overflow!)
Fill in the signatures to get inference for
,(if ...)
etc -
Complete the cases for
to get inference for pairs. -
to get inference for (recursive) functions. -
Complete the
case to get inference for constructors (e.g.(list a)
). -
to implement checking of user-specified types (extra credit)
The surface language is identical to fer-de-lance
(heap allocated tuples, closures, etc.)
but there are significant differences in the implementation.
x86_64 is useful because it gives us 8 more registers
pub const REGISTERS: [Reg; 8] = [
Reg::RBX, // R1
Reg::RDX, // R2
Reg::R8, // R3
Reg::R9, // R4
Reg::R10, // R5
Reg::R12, // R6
Reg::R13, // R7
Reg::R14, // R8
(We will write R1...R8 below instead of the actual register name, for simplicity.)
The main change you will deal with is that local variables are stored in
the above REGISTERS
as much as possible. The details are below.
Using Registers for Variables
So far, we've allocated stack space for every variable in our program. It would be more efficient to use registers when possible. Take this program as an example:
(let ((n (* 5 5))
(m (* 6 6))
(x (+ n 1))
(y (+ m 1)))
(+ x y)
In the main body of this program, there are 4 variables – n
, m
, x
, and
. In our compiler without register allocation, we would assign these 4
variables to 4 different locations on the stack. It would be nice to assign
them to registers instead, so that we could generate better assembly. Assuming
we have 4 registers available, this is easy; we could pick
and then generate assembly like
mov R1, 10 ; store the result for n in R1 directly
sar R1, 1
mul R1, 10
mov R2, 12 ; store the result for m in R2 directly
sar R2, 1
mul R2, 12
mov R3, R1 ; store the result for x in R3 directly
add R3, 2
mov R4, R2 ; store the result for y in R4 directly
add R4, 2
mov RAX, R3 ; store the answer in RAX directly (our new RAX)
add RAX, R4
This avoids four extra mov
s into memory, and allows us to use registers
directly, rather than memory, as we would have in the initial verson:
mov RAX, 10
sar RAX, 1
mul RAX, 10
mov [RBP-8], RAX ; extra store
mov RAX, 12
sar RAX, 1
mul RAX, 12
mov [RBP-16], RAX ; extra store
mov RAX, [RBP-8] ; memory rather than register access
add RAX, 2
mov [RBP-24], RAX ; extra store
mov RAX, [RBP-16] ; memory rather than register access
add RAX, 2
mov [RBP-32], RAX ; extra store
mov RAX, [RBP-24] ; memory rather than register access
add RAX, [RBP-32] ; memory rather than register access
Making this change would be require a few alterations to the compiler:
Step 1. We'd need to have our environment allow variables to be bound to registers, rather than just a stack offset.
Step 2. We need to change the goal of the compiler from “get the answer into RAX”
to “get the answer into <<
Step 3 Whenever we call a function, that function may overwrite the values of registers the current context is using for variables. This demands that we save the contents of in-use registers before calling a function.
Step 1: Computing a (Location) Allocation
To handle (Step 1), we define a new datatype, called location
pub enum Loc {
Reg(Reg), // Register
Stack(i32), // Stack [rbp - 8 * offset]
And we change the compiler's env
parameter to have type &Alloc
, which is a
map from String
to Loc
which can be either registers or stack offsets.
pub struct Alloc(HashMap<String, Loc>, usize);
Step 2: Compiling into Destination Location
To handle (Step 2), we add a new parameter dst : &Loc
to the compiler (i.e. to compile_expr
), which is where to
store the result of the computation, that you will then use
to suitably implement the missing cases in compile_expr
For function bodies and main, this will be
, so that return values are handled in the usual way. -
(let (x e1) e2)
bindings, we will use theLoc
in the precomputed environment to choose thedst
parameter for thee1
part of the compilation.
Step 3: Saving Registers
There are a few options for handling (Step 3):
- We could have each function save and restore all of the registers it uses, so callers do not have to store anything.
- We could have each caller store the registers in use in its context
- We could blend the first two options, which gives us the notion of caller-save vs. callee-save registers
The first option is the simplest so it's what the compiler does. It requires
one wrinkle – when calling an external function like print
, we need to
save all the registers the current function is using. The current
implementation simply stores all the registers in env
by pushing and popping
their values before and after the call. It's interesting (though not part of
the assignment) to think about how we could do better than that.
These changes have been mostly made for you -- but you have to fill in the
missing todo!()
in compile_expr
to properly use the register allocator
in your compiler. In particular, you will need to fill in the code for
so that compile_defn
can properly save and restore all the registers it uses.
Register Allocation
For programs that use fewer variables than the number of available registers, the strategy above works well. This leaves open what we should do if the number of variables exceeds the number of available registers.
An easy solution is to put N variables into N registers, and some onto the stack. But we can do better in many cases. Let's go back to the example below, and imagine that we only have three registers available, rather than four. Can we still come up with a register assignment for the four variables that works?
(let ((n (* 5 5))
(m (* 6 6))
(x (+ n 1))
(y (+ m 1)))
(+ x y)
The key observation is that once we compute the value for x
, we no longer
need n
. So we need space for n
, m
, and x
all at the same time, but
once we get to computing the value for y
, we only need to keep track of m
and x
. That means the following assignment of variables to registers works:
mov R1, 10 ; store the result for n in R1 directly
sar R1, 1
mul R1, 10
mov R2, 12 ; store the result for m in R2 directly
sar R2, 6
mul R2, 12
mov R3, R1 ; store the result for x in R3 directly
add R3, 2
mov R1, R2 ; store the result for y in R1, overwriting n, which won't be used from here on
add R1, 2
mov RAX, R3 ; store the answer in RAX directly (our new RAX)
add RAX, R1 ; R1 here holds the value of y
It was relatively easy for us to tell that this would work. Encoding this idea in an algorithm—that multiple variables can use the same register, as long as they aren't in use at the same time—is known as register allocation.
One way to understand register allocation is to treat the variables in the program as the vertices in a (undirected) graph, whose edges represent dependencies between variables that must be available at the same time.
So, for example, in the picture above we'd have a graph like:
n --- m
\ / |
â•ł |
/ \ |
y --- x
If we wrote an longer sequence of lets, we could see more interesting graph
structures emerge; in the example below, z
is the only link between the first
4 lets and the last 3.
(let* ((n (5 * 5))
(m (6 * 6))
(x (n + 1))
(y (m + 1))
(z (x + y))
(k (z * z))
(g (k + 5)))
(+ k 3))
we get a graph like
n --- m
\ / |
â•ł |
/ \ |
y --- x
| /
| /
| /
z --- k --- g
Here, we can still use just three registers. Since we don't use x
and y
after computing z
, we can reassign their registers to be used for k
. So this assignment of variables to registers works:
(We could also have assigned g
to R2
– it just couldn't overlap with R1
the register we used for k
Again, if we stare at these programs for a while using our clever human eyes and brains, we can generate these graphs of dependencies and convince ourselves that they are correct.
To make our compiler do this, we need to generalize this behavior into an algorithm. There are two steps to this algorithm:
- Create the graph
- Figure out assignments given a graph to create an environment
The second part corresponds directly to a well-known (NP-complete) problem called Graph Coloring.
Given a graph, we need to come up with a “color”—in our case a register—for each vertex such that no two adjacent vertices share a color. We will use a rust crate (heuristic-graph-coloring to handle this for us.
The first part is an interesting problem for us as compiler designers.
Given an input expression, can we create a graph that represents all of the dependencies between variables, as described above? If we can, we can use existing coloring algorithms (and fast heuristics for them, if we don't want to wait for an optimal solution). This graph creation is the fragment of the compiler you will implement in this assignment.
In particular you'll implement two functions (which may each come with their own helpers):
Computing the LIVE variable Dependency Graph live
The first function you will implement is
fn live(
graph: &mut ConflictGraph, /// graph of edges
e: &Expr, /// expression to analyze
binds: &HashSet<String>, /// let-bound variables defined (outside e)
params: &HashSet<String>, /// function params (allocated on stack)
out: &HashSet<String>, /// variables whose values are "LIVE" *after* `e`
) -> HashSet<String> /// variables who are "LIVE" *before*
Recall that the variables
are LIVE fore
if we need to know the values ofx1...xn
to evaluatee
. -
able as we will be adding edges to the graph while traversing the expression.
Computing the Coloring allocate
Next, you will implement
fn allocate(
&self, /// Conflict Graph
regs: &[Reg], /// List of usable registers
offset: usize /// Offset from which to start saving stack vars [offset+1,offset+2...]
) -> HashMap<String, Loc> /// Mapping of variables to locations
The allocate
function, should always succeed no matter how many registers are provided.
It should
- find out how many colors are needed for the given graph, (by calling
), and then - produce aenvironment with the following constraints:
- Variables given the same color by the coloring should be mapped to the same location in the environment, and variables mapped to different colors should be mapped to different locations in the environment.
- If there are equal or fewer colors than registers provided, then all the
variables should be mapped to
locations, and no more thanC
Reg locations should be created, whereC
is the number of colors. - If there are more colors than registers provided, then some variables
should map to stack locations. In the resulting environment, there should be
C - R
stack locations (Stack
) created, whereR
is the number of registers andC
is the number of colors. TheStack
indices should go fromoffset + 1
to (offset + C - R
). In the resulting environment, there should beR
register locationsReg
For example, given the code
(let ((b 4)
(x 10)
(i (if true
(let (z 11) (+ z b))
(let (y 9) (+ y 1))))
(a (+ 5 i)))
(+ a x))
There is a valid 3-coloring for the induced graph:
a: 1 (green)
b: 1 (green)
i: 2 (red)
z: 2 (red)
y: 2 (red)
x: 3 (blue)
Let's assume we have 2 registers available, RBX
and RDX
Then we need to create (3 - 2
) Stack
locations, counting
from 1, and 2 Reg
So the locations in our environment are:
Now we need to build an environment that matches variables to these, following the coloring rules. One answer is:
a: Reg(RBX)
b: Reg(RBX)
i: Stack(1)
z: Stack(1)
y: Stack(1)
x: Reg(RDX)
Another valid answer is:
a: Reg(RBX)
b: Reg(RBX)
i: Reg(RDX)
z: Reg(RDX)
y: Reg(RDX)
x: Stack(1)
Either of these are correct answers from the point of view of register allocation (it's fun to think about if one is better, but neither is wrong).
Example 2: let's consider that we have 0 registers available. Then we need to choose (3 - 0) locations on the stack, and 0 registers:
A valid environment is:
a: Stack(2)
b: Stack(2)
i: Stack(3)
z: Stack(3)
y: Stack(3)
x: Stack(1)
These rules accomplish the overall goal of putting as many values as possible into registers, and also reusing as much space as possible, while still running programs that need more space than available registers.
You can compile programs with differing numbers of registers available by passing in a number of registers (max 8).
So, for example, you can create an input file called tests/longloop.snek
that looks like
(let (k 0)
(let (a (loop
(if (= k 1000000000) (break 0)
(set! k (+ k 1))
(let* ((n (* 5 5))
(m (* 6 6))
(x (+ n 1))
(y (+ m 1)))
(+ x y))))))
populate it with the long loop at the beginning of the writeup above, and run:
$ NUM_REGS=3 make tests/longloop.run
And this will trigger the build for longloop
with just 3 registers. This can
be fun for testing the performance of long-running programs with different
numbers of registers available. Setting NUM_REGS
to 0
somewhat emulates
the performance of our past compilers, since it necessarily allocates all
variables on the stack (but still uses the live/conflict analysis to agressively
reuse the same stack slot for multiple variables.)
With 3 registers
$ NUM_REGS=3 make tests/longloop.run
$ time tests/longloop.run
Executed in 1.19 secs fish external
usr time 1.18 secs 0.28 millis 1.18 secs
sys time 0.01 secs 1.21 millis 0.01 secs
With 0 registers
$ NUM_REGS=0 make tests/longloop.run
$ time tests/longloop.run
Executed in 1.66 secs fish external
usr time 1.50 secs 121.00 micros 1.50 secs
sys time 0.00 secs 482.00 micros 0.00 secs
With no Live/Conflict Analysis
$ cd ../08-harlequin
$ make tests/longloop.run
$ time tests/longloop.run
Executed in 4.21 secs fish external
usr time 3.99 secs 0.26 millis 3.99 secs
sys time 0.01 secs 1.13 millis 0.01 secs
So our register allocation gives about a 4x speedup!