

In this assignment you'll implement a compiler for a small language called Adder, that supports 32-bit integers and three operations – add1, sub1, and negate. There is no starter code for this assignment; you'll do it from scratch based on the instructions here.


You can start by

  • accepting the assignment on github, and then
  • opening the assignment CodeSpaces

The necessary tools will be present in the CodeSpace.

You may also want to work on your own computer, in which case you'll need to install rust and cargo

You may also (depending on your system) need to install nasm.

On my mac I used brew install nasm; on other systems your package manager of choice likely has a version. On Windows you should use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

The assignments assume that your computer can build and run x86-64-bit binaries. This is true of most (but not all) mass-market Windows and Linux laptops. Newer Macs use a different ARM architecture, but can also run legacy x86-64-bit binaries, so those are fine as well. You should ensure that whatever you do to build your compiler also runs on the github codespace, standard environment for testing your work.

Rust 101

The first few sections of the Rust Book walk you through installing Rust, as well. We'll assume you've gone through the “Programming a Guessing Game” chapter of that book before you go on, so writing and running a Rust program isn't too weird to you.

Implementing a Compiler for Numbers

We're going to start by just compiling numbers, so we can see how all the infrastructure works. We won't give starter code for this so that you see how to build this up from scratch.

By just compiling numbers, we mean that we'll write a compiler for a language where the “program” file just contains a single number, rather than full-fledged programs with function definitions, loops, and so on. (We'll get there!)

Creating a Project

First, make a new project with

$ cargo new adder

This creates a new directory, called adder, set up to be a Rust project.

The main entry point is in src/, which is where we'll develop the compiler. There's also a file called Cargo.toml that we'll use in a little bit, and a few other directories related to building that we won't be too concerned with in this assignment.

The Runner

We'll start by just focusing on numbers.

It's useful to set up the goal of our compiler, which we'll come back to repeatedly in this course:

“Compiling” an expression means generating assembly instructions that evaluate it and leave the answer in the rax register.

Given this, before writing the compiler, it's useful to spend some time thinking about how we'll run these assembly programs we're going to generate. That is, what commands do we run at the command line in order to get from our soon-to-be-generated assembly to a running program?

We're going to use a little Rust program to kick things off. It will look like this; you can put this into a file called runtime/

#[link(name = "our_code")]
extern "C" {
    // The \x01 here is an undocumented feature of LLVM (which Rust uses) that ensures
    // it does not add an underscore in front of the name, which happens on OSX
    // Courtesy of Max New
    // (
    #[link_name = "\x01our_code_starts_here"]
    fn our_code_starts_here() -> i64;

fn main() {
  let i : i64 = unsafe {

This file says:

  • We're expecting there to be a precompiled file called libour_code that we can load and link against (we'll make it in a few steps)
  • That file should define a global function called our_code_starts_here. It takes no arguments and returns a 64-bit integer.
  • For the main of this Rust program, we will call the our_code_starts_here function in an unsafe block. It has to be in an unsafe block because Rust doesn't and cannot check that our_code_starts_here actually takes no arguments and returns an integer; it's trusting us, the programmer, to ensure that, which is unsafe from its point of view. The unsafe block lets us do some kinds of operations that would otherwise be compile errors in Rust.
  • Then, print the result.

Let's next see how to build a libour_code file out of some x86-64 assembly that will work with this file. Here's a simple assembly program that has a global label for our_code_starts_here that has a “function body” that returns the value 31:

section .text
global our_code_starts_here
  mov rax, 31

Put this into a file called test/31.s if you like, to test things out (you should now have a runtime/ and a test/ directory that you created).

We can create a standalone binary program that combines these with these commands (substitute macho64 for elf64 on OSX and if you're on an M1/M2 machine change the invocation to rustc --target x86_64-apple-darwin .... You may have to run rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin):

$ nasm -f elf64 test/31.s -o runtime/our_code.o
$ ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
$ ls runtime
libour_code.a          our_code.o   
$ rustc -L runtime/ runtime/ -o test/
$ ./test/

The first command assembles the assembly code to an object file. The basic work there is generating the machine instructions for each assembly instruction, and enough information about labels like our_code_starts_here to do later linking. The ar command takes this object file and puts it in a standard format for library linking used by #[link in Rust. Then rustc combines that .a file and into a single executable binary that we named

We haven't written a compiler yet, but we do know how to go from files containing assembly code to runnable binaries with the help of nasm and rustc. Our next task is going to be writing a program that generates assembly files like these.

Generating Assembly

Let's revisit our definition of compiling:

“Compiling” an expression means generating assembly instructions that evaluate it and leave the answer in the rax register.

Since, for now, our programs are going to be single expressions (in fact just single numbers), this means that for a program like “5”, we want to generate assembly instructions that put the constant 5 into rax.

Let's write a Rust function that does that, with a simple main function that shows it working on a single hardcoded input; this goes in src/ and is the start of our compiler:

/// Compile a source program into a string of x86-64 assembly
fn compile(program: String) -> String {
    let num = program.trim().parse::<i32>().unwrap();
    return format!("mov rax, {}", num);

fn main() {
    let program = "37";
    let compiled = compile(String::from(program));
    println!("{}", compiled);

You can compile and run this with cargo run:

$ cargo run
   Compiling adder v0.1.0 ...
mov rax, 37

Really all I did here was look up the documentation in Rust about converting a string to an integer and template the number into a mov command. The input 37 is hardcoded, and to use the output like we did above, we'd need to copy-paste the mov command into a larger assembly file with our_code_starts_here, and so on.

Here's a more sophisticated main that takes two command-line arguments: a source file to read and a target file to write the resulting assembly to. It also puts the generated command into the template we designed for our generated assembly:

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let in_name = &args[1];
    let out_name = &args[2];

    let mut in_file = File::open(in_name)?;
    let mut in_contents = String::new();
    in_file.read_to_string(&mut in_contents)?;

    let result = compile(in_contents);

    let asm_program = format!("
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
", result);

    let mut out_file = File::create(out_name)?;


Since this now expects files rather than hardcoded input, let's make a test file in test/37.snek that just contains 37 as contents. Then we'll read the “program” (still just a number) from 37.snek and store the resulting assembly in 37.s. (snek is a silly spelling of snake, which is a theme of the languages in this course.)

Then we can run our compiler with these command line arguments:

$ cat test/37.snek
$ cargo run -- test/37.snek test/37.s
$ cat test/37.s

section .text
global our_code_starts_here
  mov rax, 37

Then we can use the same sequence of commands from before to run the program:

$ nasm -f elf64 test/37.s -o runtime/our_code.o
$ ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
$ rustc -L runtime/ runtime/ -o test/
$ ./test/

We're close to saying we've credibly built a “compiler”, in that we've taken some source program and gone all the way to a generated binary.

The next steps will be to clean up the clumsiness of running 3 post-processing commands (nasm, ar, and rustc), and then adding some nontrivial functionality.

Cleaning up with a Makefile

There are a lot of thing we could do to try and assemble and run the program, and we'll discuss some later in the course. For now, we'll simply tidy up our workflow by creating a Makefile that runs through the compile-assemble-link steps for us. Put these rules into a file called Makefile in the root of the repository (use elf64 on Linux):

test/%.s: test/%.snek src/
	cargo run -- $< test/$*.s

test/ test/%.s runtime/
	nasm -f elf64 test/$*.s -o runtime/our_code.o
	ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
	rustc -L runtime/ runtime/ -o test/$*.run

Note: on MACOS

  1. Write macho64 instead of elf64 and
  2. Write rustc --target x86_64-apple-darwin ... (if you have an M1/M2 machine)

(Note that make requires tabs not spaces, but we can only use spaces on the website, so please replace the four spaces indentation with tab characters when you copy it.)

And then you can run just make test/<file>.run to do the build steps:

$ make test/
cargo run -- test/37.snek test/37.s
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
     Running `target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/adder test/37.snek test/37.s`
nasm -f macho64 test/37.s -o runtime/our_code.o
ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
rustc -L runtime/ runtime/ -o test/

The cargo run command will re-run if the .snek file or the compiler (src/ change, and the assemble-and-link commands will re-run if the assembly (.s file) or the runtime (runtime/ change.

The Adder Language

In each of the next several assignments, we'll introduce a language that we'll implement. We'll start small, and build up features incrementally. We're starting with Adder, which has just a few features –numbers and three operations.

There are a few pieces that go into defining a language for us to compile:

  • A description of the concrete syntax – the text the programmer writes.
  • A description of the abstract syntax – how to express what the programmer wrote in a data structure our compiler uses.
  • A description of the behavior of the abstract syntax, so our compiler knows what the code it generates should do.

Concrete Syntax

The concrete syntax of Adder is:

<expr> :=
  | <number>
  | (add1 <expr>)
  | (sub1 <expr>)
  | (negate <expr>)

Abstract Syntax

The abstract syntax of Adder is a Rust datatype, and corresponds nearly one-to-one with the concrete syntax. We'll show just the parts for add1 and sub1 in this tutorial, and leave it up to you to include negate to get practice.

enum Expr {

The Box type is necessary in Rust to create recursive types like these (see Enabling Recursive Types with Boxes). If you're familiar with C, it serves roughly the same role as introducing a pointer type in a struct field to allow recursive fields in structs.

The reason this is necessary is that the Rust compiler calculates a size and tracks the contents of each field in each variant of the enum. Since an Expr could be an Add1 that contains another Add1 that contains another Add1... and so on, there's no way to calculate the size of an enum variant like


(What error do you get if you try?)

Values of the Box type always have the size of a single reference (probably represented as a 64-bit address on the systems we're using). The address will refer to an Expr that has already been allocated somewhere. Box is one of several smart pointer types whose memory are carefully, and automatically, memory-managed by Rust.


A ``semantics'' describes the languages' behavior without giving all of the assembly code for each instruction.

An Adder program always evaluates to a single i32.

  • Numbers evaluate to themselves (so a program just consisting of Num(5) should evaluate to the integer 5).
  • add1 and sub1 expressions perform addition or subtraction by one on their argument.
  • negate produces the result of the argument multiplied by -1

There are several examples further down to make this concrete.

Here are some examples of Adder programs:

Example 1

Concrete Syntax

(add1 (sub1 5))

Abstract Syntax




Example 2

Concrete Syntax


Abstract Syntax




Example 3

Concrete Syntax

(negate (add1 3))

Abstract Syntax




Implement an Interpreter for Adder

As a warm up exercise, implement an interpreter for Adder which is to say, a plain rust function that evaluates the Expr datatype we defined above.

fn eval(e: &Expr) -> i32 {
    match e {
        Expr::Num(n) => ...,
        Expr::Add1(e1) => ...,
        Expr::Sub1(e1) => ...,

Write a few tests to convince yourself that your interpreter is working as expected.

In the file src/, you can add a #[cfg(test)] section to write tests

mod tests {
    fn test1() {
      let expr1 = Expr::Num(10);
      let result = eval(expr1);
      assert_eq!(result, 10);

And then you can run the test either in vscode or by running cargo test in the terminal.

Implementing a Compiler for Adder

The overall syntax for the Adder language admits many more features than just numbers. With the definition of Adder above, we can have programs like (add1 (sub1 6)), for example. There can be any numbers of layers of nesting of the parentheses, which means we need to think about parsing a little bit more.


We're going to design our syntax carefully to avoid thinking too much about parsing, though. The parenthesized style of Adder is a subset of what's called s-expressions. The Scheme and Lisp family of languages are some of the more famous examples of languages built in s-expressions, but recent ones like WebAssembly also use this syntax, and it's a common choice for language development to simplify decision around syntax, which can become quite tricky and won't be our focus in this course.

A grammar for s-expressions looks something like:

s-exp := number
       | symbol
       | string
       | ( <s-exp>* )

That is, an s-expression is either a number, symbol (think of symbol like an identifier name), string, or a parenthesized sequence of s-expressions. Here are some s-expressions:

(1 2 3)
(a (b c d) e "f" "g")

(hash-table ("a" 100) ("b" 1000) ("c" 37"))

(define (factorial n)
  (if (== n 1)
      (factorial (* n (- n 1)))))

(class Point
  (int x)
  (int y))

(add1 (sub1 37))

One attractive feature of s-expressions is that most programming languages have libraries for parsing them. There are several crates available for parsing s-expressions in Rust. You're free to pick another one if you like it, but I'm going to use sexp because its type definitions work pretty well with pattern-matching and I find that helpful. (lexpr also looks interesting, but the Value type is really clumsy with pattern matching so it's not great for this tutorial.)

Parsing with S-Expressions

We can add this package to our project by adding it to Cargo.toml, which was created when you used cargo new. Make it so your Cargo.toml looks like this:

name = "adder"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

sexp = "1.1.4"

Then you can run cargo build and you should see stuff related to the sexp crate be downloaded.

We can then use it in our program like this:

use sexp::*;
use sexp::Atom::*;

Then, a function call like this can turn a string into a Sexp:

    let sexp = parse("(add1 (sub1 (add1 73)))").unwrap()

(As a reminder, the .unwrap() is our way of telling Rust that we are trusting this parsing to succeed, and we'll panic! and stop the program if the parse doesn't succeed. We will talk about giving better error messages in these cases later.)

Our goal, though, is to use a datatype that we design for our expressions, which we introduced as:

enum Expr {

So we should next write a function that takes Sexps and turns them into Exprs (or gives an error if we give an s-expression that doesn't match the grammar of Adder). Here's a function that will do the trick:

fn parse_expr(s: &Sexp) -> Expr {
    match s {
        Sexp::Atom(I(n)) => Expr::Num(i32::try_from(*n).unwrap()),
        Sexp::List(vec) => {
            match &vec[..] {
                [Sexp::Atom(S(op)), e] if op == "add1" => Expr::Add1(Box::new(parse_expr(e))),
                [Sexp::Atom(S(op)), e] if op == "sub1" => Expr::Sub1(Box::new(parse_expr(e))),
                _ => panic!("parse error"),
        _ => panic!("parse error"),

(A Rust note – the parse_expr function takes a reference to Sexp (the type &Sexp) which means parse_expr will have read-only, borrowed access to some Sexp that was allocated and stored somewhere else.)

This uses Rust pattern matching to match the specific cases we care about for Adder – plain numbers and lists of s-expressions. In the case of lists, we match on two the two specific cases that look like add1 or sub1 followed by some other s-expression. In those cases, we recursively parse, and use Box::new to match the signature we set up in enum Expr.

Code Generation

So we've got a way to go from more structure text—s-expressions—stored in files and produce our Expr structure. Now we just need to go from the Expr ASTs to generated assembly. Here's one way to do that:

fn compile_expr(e: &Expr) -> String {
    match e {
        Expr::Num(n) => format!("mov rax, {}", *n),
        Expr::Add1(subexpr) => compile_expr(subexpr) + "\nadd rax, 1",
        Expr::Sub1(subexpr) => compile_expr(subexpr) + "\nsub rax, 1",

And putting it all together in main:

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    let in_name = &args[1];
    let out_name = &args[2];

    let mut in_file = File::open(in_name)?;
    let mut in_contents = String::new();
    in_file.read_to_string(&mut in_contents)?;

    let expr = parse_expr(&parse(&in_contents).unwrap());
    let result = compile_expr(&expr);
    let asm_program = format!("
section .text
global our_code_starts_here
", result);

    let mut out_file = File::create(out_name)?;


Testing our compiler

Then we can write tests like this add.snek:

$ cat test/add.snek
(sub1 (sub1 (add1 73)))

And run our whole compiler end-to-end:

$ make test/
cargo run -- test/add.snek test/add.s
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/adder test/add.snek test/add.s`
nasm -f macho64 test/add.s -o runtime/our_code.o
ar rcs runtime/libour_code.a runtime/our_code.o
rustc -L runtime/ runtime/ -o test/
$ cat test/add.s

section .text
global our_code_starts_here
  mov rax, 73
add rax, 1
sub rax, 1
sub rax, 1
$ ./test/

Note: make test/ may delete test/add.s as an intermediate file. If so, run make test/add.s before running cat test/add.s.

This is, of course, a very simple language. This tutorial serves mainly to make us use all the pieces of infrastructure that we'll build on throughout the quarter:

  1. An assembler (nasm) and a Rust main program (runtime/ to build binaries
  2. A definition of abstract syntax (enum Expr)
  3. A parser for text (parse from the sexp crate) and a parser for our abstract syntax (parse_expr)
  4. A code generator (compile_expr) that generates assembly from Exprs

Most of our future assignments will be built from just these pieces, plus extra infrastructure added as we need it.

Your TODOs

  1. Do the whole tutorial above, creating the project repository as you go. Write several tests to convince yourself that things are working as expected.
  2. Then, add support for negate as described in the beginning, and write several tests for negate as well.
  3. In your terminal, demonstrate your compiler working on at least 5 different examples by using cat on a source snek file, then showing make running, using cat on the resulting .s file, and then running the resulting binary. Copy this interactino into a file called transcript.txt

Hand in your entire repository to the 01-adder assignment on github.

That is you only need to commit and push your cloned assignment

There is no automated grading for this assignment; we want you to practice gaining your own confidence that your solution works (and demonstrating that to us).