
Week 5: Diamondback, Due Friday, May 3 (Closed Collaboration)

In this assignment you'll implement a compiler for a language called Diamondback, which has top-level function definitions.

This assignment is closed to collaboration.


Get the assignment at https://classroom.github.com/a/20qeISvT This will make a private-to-you copy of the repository hosted within the course's organization.

The Diamondback Language

Concrete Syntax

The concrete syntax of Diamondback has a significant change from past languages. It distinguishes top-level declarations from expressions. The new parts are function definitions, function calls, and the print unary operator.

<prog> := <defn>* <expr>                (new!)
<defn> := (fun (<name> <name>*) <expr>) (new!)
<expr> :=
  | <number>
  | true
  | false
  | input
  | <identifier>
  | (let (<binding>+) <expr>)
  | (<op1> <expr>)
  | (<op2> <expr> <expr>)
  | (set! <name> <expr>)
  | (if <expr> <expr> <expr>)
  | (block <expr>+)
  | (loop <expr>)
  | (break <expr>)
  | (<name> <expr>*)                    (new!)

<op1> := add1 | sub1 | isnum | isbool | print (new!)
<op2> := + | - | * | < | > | >= | <= | =

<binding> := (<identifier> <expr>)

Abstract Syntax

You can choose the abstract syntax you use for Diamondback.


A Diamondback program always evaluates to a single integer, a single boolean, or ends with an error. When ending with an error, it should print a message to standard error (eprintln! in Rust works well for this) and a non-zero exit code (std::process::exit(N) for nonzero N in Rust works well for this).

A Diamondback program starts by evaluating the <expr> at the end of the <prog>. The new expressions have the following semantics:

  • (<name> <expr>*) is a function call. It first evaluates the expressions to values. Then it evaluates the body of the corresponding function definition (the one with the given <name>) with the values bound to each of the parameter names in that definition.
  • (print <expr>) evaluates the expression to a value and prints it to standard output followed by a \n character. The print expression itself should evaluate to the given value.

There are several examples further down to make this concrete.

The compiler should stop and report an error if:

  • There is a call to a function name that doesn't exist
  • Multiple functions are defined with the same name
  • A function's parameter list has a duplicate name
  • There is a call to a function with the wrong number of arguments
  • input is used in a function definition (rather than in the expression at the end). It's worth thinking of that final expression as the main function or method

If there are multiple errors, the compiler can report any non-empty subset of them.

Here are some examples of Diamondback programs.

Example 1

(fun (fact n)
    ((i 1) (acc 1))
      (if (> i n)
        (break acc)
          (set! acc (* acc i))
          (set! i (+ i 1))
(fact input)

Example 2

(fun (isodd n)
  (if (< n 0)
      (isodd (- 0 n))
      (if (= n 0)
          (iseven (sub1 n))

(fun (iseven n)
  (if (= n 0)
      (isodd (sub1 n))

  (print input)
  (print (iseven input))

Proper Tail Calls

Implement safe-for-space tail calls for Diamondback. Test with deeply-nested recursion. To make sure you've tested proper tail calls and not just tail recursion, test deeply-nested mutual recursion between functions with different numbers of arguments.

Implementing a Compiler for Diamondback

The main new feature in Diamondback is functions. You should choose and implement a calling convention for these. You're welcome to use the “standard” x86_64 sysv as a convention, or use some of what we discussed in class, or choose something else entirely. Remember that when calling runtime functions in Rust, the generated code needs to respect that calling convention.

A compiler for Diamondback does not need guarantee safe-for-space tail calls, but they are allowed.

Running and Testing

Running and testing are as for Cobra, there is no new infrastructure.

Reference interpreter

You may check the behavior of programs using this interpreter.


As with the previous assignment, a lot of the credit you get will be based on us running autograded tests on your submission. You'll be able to see the result of some of these on while the assignment is out, but we may have more that we don't show results for until after assignments are all submitted.

We'll combine that with some amount of manual grading involving looking at your testing and implementation strategy. You should have your own thorough test suite (it's not unreasonable to write many dozens of tests; you probably don't need hundreds), and you need to have recognizably implemented a compiler. For example, you could try to calculate the answer for these programs and generate a single mov instruction: don't do that, it doesn't demonstrate the learning outcomes we care about.

Extension 1: Add Function Definitions to the REPL

Add the ability to define functions to the REPL. Entries should be a definition (which could be define or fun) or an expression.

Functions should be able to use global variables defined in earlier entries in the function body.

Extension 2: Compiling Functions with Dynamically-Discovered Types

Consider a function like this one from class:

(fun (sumrec num sofar)
  (if (= num 0)
      (sumrec (+ num -1) (+ sofar num))))

Because this function could be called with booleans for num or sofar, the compiler is obligated to insert tag checks for the = and + operations here. (Actually, there are some kinds of purely-static optimizations we could do here; if control-flow reaches the else branch we know that num is a number because otherwise the = check would have errored, so could elide the checks for (+ num -1); there are some similar examples in section 2 of this paper, which discusses some more complex cases. However that won't be the focus of this extension.)

We could save some work by doing all the tag checks before entering the function body, compiling specific versions of the function for each different combination of arguments, then dispatching to the correct one based on the observed tags. This is common practice in JIT compilers, both at the function leve and at the block level. This would re-use some of the ideas from the previous assignment on using the observed types of input and defined variables to specialize code. In the sumrec example, the compiler would generate 4 different functions for something like sumrec:

(fun (sumrec num sofar)
    [(and (isnum num) (isnum sofar)) (sumrec_assume_num_num num sofar)]
    [(and (isnum num) (isbool sofar)) (sumrec_assume_num_bool num sofar)]
    [(and (isbool num) (isnum sofar)) (sumrec_assume_bool_num num sofar)]
    [(and (isbool num) (isbool sofar)) (sumrec_assume_bool_bool num sofar)]))

However, this quickly explodes generated code size as we introduce more types and more arguments (it's (#types) to the power of (#args), and for a general-purpose compiler we should avoid creating binaries that are exponential in the size of the source program!). The references above use dynamic information to avoid this ahead-of-time explosion. We need to be a bit more clever as well.

For this extension, we'll pick a simple model that is surprisingly effective and uses the dynamic code-generation techniques we've been studying:

The first time a function is called, the types of the arguments are likely the types that will be given to that function again in the future, and it's worth specializing for that case.

This would allow us to compile just two versions of a function:

  • One that handles all possible combinations of arguments with all tag checks, making no assumptions
  • One that is specialized to the types of the arguments seen for the first call to the function

The first version is the one generated by the standard compiler. Generating the second is where the dynamic work happens.

There are a number of ways to set this up. We recommend making use of some of the dynamic assembly editing features of dynasm. The alter method allows for changing already generated code. A short demo of alter is in the adder-dyn repository.

The process of taking a running function, jumping to the compiler, rewriting the code of that function, then going back to it, involves some thought about stack manipulation manipulation. (In general, in real-world JIT compilers, the process of on-stack replacement (OSR) grows quite complex, with shuffling registers and converting between stack frame layouts.) Here's one way we recommend implementing the required behavior.

  • Start from your code for eval in the previous assignment (e.g. make sure you're in the context of the compiler with all the necessary pieces imported)

  • On first compile, for each function, compile the “slow” version and put its code at the label slow_<function-name>:.

  • Also compile a “stub” with the function's actual name that calls back into a (Rust) function with the provided arguments and a reference to the (Snek) function to be compiled:

      mov rdi, <fun reference> ; The address of a reference, like a *const Definition
      mov rsi, arg1
      mov rdx, arg2
      ... all args ...
      jmp compile_opt_N
    ; Just one copy of compile_opt_N in the generated code, not one per function
      call compile_opt_rust_N  ; 
      jmp rax                  ; compile_opt_N will return a function pointer!
                               ; depending on your calling convention, you may
                               ; or may not need to clean up and set up some
                               ; registers before the jmp to make the stack frame
                               ; “look right”
  • To get a reference to the Snek function being compiled, you can get a raw pointer to the actual Fun definition object, and put the number of that address into the generated code as an immediate value. You can then cast back to a &Definition below. You could also store an index (in the Vec<Definition> that likely makes up part of the AST), but you'd still need some way to pass that vector back to the stub, below, so some raw address will probably be needed. Think about lifetimes just as much as you need to make sure the AST will be available and not dropped by the time this compilation happens!

  • The compile_opt_rust_N function will be implemented in Rust and have a signature like:

    extern "C" fn compile_opt_rust_N(
      def: *const Definition,
      arg1: u64,
      argN: u64
    ) {
      // compile the definition and return a function pointer to the version to
      // call

    In this Rust function you can compile the optimized version of the function based on the given arguments' tags. You can probably re-use code you wrote for the previous extension to compile the optimized version with known tags for those arguments.

  • This code will likely use alter for two different purposes:

    1. First, add a new label fast_<function-name> with the generated optimized code at the end of the generated code.
    2. Then, rewrite the body of <function-name> to have a conditional check for the provided tags, and jmp to the fast or slow version as appropriate (note that this is trivially a tail call)
  • Don't forget to get the address of the generated code that it can be called! Future calls to <function-name> will use the overwritten code, but for this first call you need to make sure to do the call yourself.

  • We recommend creating a few versions of compile_opt_N for argument list lengths 0, 1, 2 until the pattern is clear, and only then try to generalize to a varargs Rust function.

There are definitely other ways to set this up, but we think this scheme can be made to work.

There is a lot of thinking and debugging required here! Don't be surprised if this takes longer than the previous extensions; we don't have a great calibration of the expected pace of these, so there's no expectation that it takes (only) a week -- it may well take the rest of the quarter.